(7) Chapter Four ; In the Dark .

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Ashton Irwin ; 

Cleyton was trailing right behind us, giving us no slack. The few cars that were left on the road parted ways for us.


   "Go faster!" I yelled at Gems, switching back and fourth from rear view mirror to the windshield. "He's right there!"

  "We're already going sixty!" she scoffed.

   "Gemma seriously??" I looked at her. "God, this is exactly why I wanted to drive!"

  "Oh fuck off!" she spat.


Suddenly the look on her face changed to surprise. I waited for the punchline, sitting here wading in suspense. She pulled out her phone and examined it quickly, puzzled by the caller.


   "Who is it?" I asked as she contemplated on answering.

  "H-hello?" she finally answered, skeptical but ignoring my question.


The expression from her face drained. Her eyes slowly shifted over to me as she held the phone out for me to take it. My eyes widened. I gulped the curious lump down my throat.


   "I-it's for you...." she stammered.

  I slowly took it from her, my hand shaky. "Hello?"

   "Ashton pull over, please" Cleyton's voice made me cower. "I only want to talk-"

  "How the fuck did you get this number??" I gritted my teeth. Gemma looked at me trying to listen in.

   "That doesn't matter, pull over. I'm trying to help you-"

  "Fuck you! Like hell you are" I spat. "Where's Michael? What have you done with him??"

   "I don't know what you're talking about-"

  "Bullshit," I gawked nearly laughing. "Before Michael was taken he mentioned your name. And Eleanor? She said you knew Michael was next, so where is he?"

  "Your friends are in danger Ashton, and I'm the only one who knows how to help them" he went on, avoiding the question. "Pull over and talk to me, or they could die-"


I gaped. Those words hit like a nail dropping in a silent room. A pang in my stomach slowly twisted as Cleyton confirmed my fears. He knew how to save them? 


  "You're lying" I clinched my teeth angrily. "your just trying to get me like you got the others-"

   "Gemma's her name, right?" he changed the subject and immediately my heart cringed. "Harry's older sister?"

  "What are you playing at?" I growled.

   "Don't be afraid" he mocked condescendingly. "As long as you cooperate, I promise she'll be fine."

  "Don't you fucking dare" I mumbled barely audible. Gemma looked at me oddly. "I will kill you myself, if you touch her-"

   "Be smart here, Ashton. I know where she lives, and you can't watcher her forever. I also happen to know that she means something to you" he said sounding almost, sympathetic. It was annoying. "You're a criminal, stop running from the truth. If you turn yourself over now, we can save your friends and possibly over look the past."

  "I can't trust you," I shook my head. "And if you try to come near her, I will end you-"


I hung up, handing her phone back over.


   "That was him?" Gemma implied.

  I nodded. "Yeah."

   "Well, whatever you did" she said looking in the rear view mirror. "It worked, he's gone-"



I turned around seeing Cleyton's car completely out of sight. What was he doing? Somehow this was worse. Not knowing what he was doing or going to do left me in the dark, gnawing at me. It was like he could come out at any moment and that scared me. I didn't have just myself to worry about anymore, but now Gemma too- and that killed me.




Michael Clifford ; 

Boom, boom. Boom, boom. 


My head was pounding, so hard I could nearly hear it. What is going on? I felt nothing but pain in my muscles. I grimaced trying to move around, only to notice that my movements were restricted. What the? Nothing but darkness was all I could see. It was quiet, all this peace was making me want to pull my hair out.


   "Ahhh!" I growled, tugging on my arm.


Both my arms were strung up in opposite directions. I could feel the chains around my wrists. I started to panic. What the fuck is this? It reaked of mold and metal.


  "Guys?!" I shouted into the darkness as it echoed back to me. "Anyone there??"


 Silence. I could only hear drops of water dripping endlessly in the distance but that was about it. I struggled more trying to break free of the bonds that held me in place but it was no use. My breaths started to turn into pants. Whatever this place was, something told me it wasn't good.

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