(3) Chapter Six ; False Allegations .

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Ashton Irwin ; 

I huffed. Whatever the fuck this place was, it was haunting. I walked through all the rooms, and they all had one thing in common; a television. It started to gnaw at me. I shook the eerie chill that ran down my spine to gather myself, approaching the only thing left in the room to examine. There were no other doors out of here, just empty space. It started to scare me.

When I got closer to the glass case, I saw little drops of blood everywhere in random places. Why was there so much blood? I gulped slowly back peddaling away in fear, and my back hit hard against something solid. I turned around looking down at a little counter top that had four keys stuck into keyholes. I scratched my head, coming around to examine it closer.

 "What lies beneath?" I mumbled, reading the words that were scribbled onto the metal, followed by four blank spaces.

I started to twist each key to see what it would do, but nothing happened. I scratched my head again, pulling one of the keys out of the hole.

  "Huh?" I gasped.

On the key there was a little "A" written neatly on it. I eyed it suspiciously, as my train of thought caught up to me. I looked down at all the keys realizing that each one of them had letters written on them. I pulled them all out collecting the letters in a random order.

 "I"  "LL"  "N"  "A" 

What did it mean? I laid them out next to each other just starring down at it.

 "Oh shit..." I shook my head, realizing that I should've pulled them out in order.

I took a minute to rearrange the keys, wondering what the hell I could spell with it. ALL IN? I tilted my head not seeing a connection. What would that even mean? ANILL? I tried again. That's not even a fucking word. I closed my eyes, feeling my head start to pound lightly. This was getting a little frustrating. I couldn't spell any words with these letters. I pounded on the top of the table, and it must have been pretty hard. The keys jumped and scrambled themselves. My eyes widened as I took another look down at them.

 "N" "I" "A" "LL" 

I clapped my hand over my mouth, trucked with the fear of realization. Niall. It was no coincidence to me that his name was brought up. In that moment I knew that they had to have been here.

  "Oh my god..." I ran my fingers through my hair.

I walked back over to the broken glass, looking down at the blood again hoping that it wasn't his. Niall didn't deserve this, none of them did. I couldn't help but feel responsible. I fell to my knees feeling the emotion swell up in my eyes. I just wanted eveyone to be okay. I just wanted them to know that I was sorry.

As I whiped my eyes, I noticed something odd. Below the bottom panel of glass, there seemed to be a stair case. Slowly I got back to my feet, kicking shards of glass out of the way to see if I weren't just seeing things. It really was a staircase. I lowered my head to the low ceiling, stepping down the staircase in caution. This place was just full of surprises. It lead me to a long dark hallway that made me want to turn around and run. All the way at the end of it I could see a door.

Do you really want to o this? I asked myself. Then I realized I didn't really have much of a choice. There was no other way out of this plce, and this seemed to be the only thing that didn't lead me to a dead end. Or at least, not yet. I took a deep breath preparing myself for what might come, and finally after words of encouraging myself, I started to walk the hall.

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