Save the Bro (Pewds x OC)

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The name is Lauren, How's it going?

While I have the time let me tell you a bit about me

I love Youtube and Youtubers (Pewdiepie, Smosh, TheFineBros, TheCreatureHub, etc)

I love music (Maroon 5, Hollywood Undead, Sleeping With Sirens, etc)

My mom isn't the best at being...well a mom

But you'll figure that out later on in this story

Also I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes

I gotta go watch some Pewds BYE!

|End of Introduction|

Lauren's POV...

As soon as I got home from school my mother started yelling at me. "Why are you home so late, what were you doing, having sex with random guys?! You disgust me, you stupid, ugly prostitute. Go to your room get out of my sight!" That was the conversation today, technically not even a conversation because I didn't talk, I just blocked her out and walked straight up to my room. Now let me just get it straight that all the crap she just said is nowhere near true, I came home late because I was with my friend Alex, and yes it's a guy, I don't see why I can't have a best friend who's a guy, he never liked me and I never liked him, anyways he needed help with his homework and wanted to upload a video on Youtube that featured me in it. I didn't complain, I didn't care, it was only one video, but I'm just not that good an actor. I was just about to turn on my laptop and go on Youtube when my mother yelled for me "LAUREN!!!" I didn't even respond I just walked downstairs and went up to her "Why didn't you respond?" she said realizing I was there, still I didn't reply, you'd swear I'm mute but I'm not, only with her. "Answer me!!" no answer back I just stared at my nice black and white high-top converses. Then something I didn't expect happened. "That's it you little rude bitch I'm tired of you acting all smart" she grumbled and grabbed me by my ponytail "Ahhh!" I yelled as she dragged me by my hair and threw me against the wall, I fell leaning against it but gathered the strength to get up. She then slapped me across the face multiple times saying rude comments in between "Your worthless and disrespectful, your the reason David left, you little brat!!!" David is my dad or should I say was my dad. He left after he realized how controlling and mean my mom was, he didn't want to leave me with her but he didn't have enough money to supply for the both of us. Instead he gave me the laptop I have, a necklace that says Stay Strong, and a gray hoodie that says Life Sucks but Music, Anime and Youtube make it better with a smiley face under it, I cherish each and everyone of these items, especially the laptop. My mother pushed me one last time against the wall and then walked out the door slamming it behind her. My blood burned inside me, my heart beat fast, I felt like killing every single person that I don't care for. It was hard to explain the feeling until you've felt it but I just...I don't know I felt like everything was against me I guess. Before the feeling could consume me I made my way upstairs and grabbed my laptop from beneath my bed, I had to hide it or my mother would throw it out the window or something. After everything loaded I went straight for Youtube and watched Pewdiepie's latest updated videos. Soon my heart rate went back to normal and as the video ended I gave a brofist to the screen. After that was done I checked up on updates on Smosh which they had one new video up. I turned off my laptop and got my iPhone out and listened to music on it. Hollywood Undead's Bullet came out and I started singing along. My legs are dangling off the edge, the bottom of the bottle is my only friend, I think I'll slit my wrist again, and I'm gone gone gone gone... I touched my wrist where the scars were, nobody knows except my best friend Alex. Then it hit me My mom left! I grabbed my book bag and my shoulder bag, I threw my school books and iPhone into the shoulder bag and my clothes, sneakers, laptop in the book bag considering I don't have much clothes and my book bag is pretty huge so it worked. I decided to wear the hoodie my dad gave me, black tights/leggings, and my high-top gray vans. I let my hair out and barely put any make-up on, I hate it people should embrace their natural beauty not cover it behind make-up. I grabbed my bags, some money probably around $80, grabbed my keys and headed out the door. To be honest I had no idea where I was going to stay, I couldn't stay at Alex's, that's the first place my mom would check. I took the train downtown and headed to Starbucks. I took a shortcut down an alley knowing I'd get to Starbucks in less time. While I was walking through someone hollered at me.

"Hey sexy" he said, I pretended as if I didn't hear him since I had my headphones on and my music wasn't that loud. Suddenly I was pushed up against a wall, I kneed him aiming for his balls in anger but missed by a bit. He smirked and pinned my hands above my head, going for my next he but down on the skin as I clenched my teeth.

"You like this don't you" he said seductively in my ear but I didn't like it, in fact I hated it, I hate people who take advantage of women. He was about to go under my shirt when suddenly he was pulled right from me.

"Dude!" the man yelled after being pulled. The guy didn't say anything instead he just punched the weird man in the face. The man ran and the mystery guy walked over to the me. "Are you okay?" he asked with his head down a cap covering his face "F-Fine, thanks" Who is this guy?

Mystery Guy's

I was walking towards Starbucks when I heard what sound like someone struggling and groaning. Curiosity got the best of me so I headed down the alley. What I saw was shocking, without thinking I grabbed the man threw him down and punched him in the face. I gave him a slightly bloody nose as he ran off. I walked up to the girl to see if she was alright and she was beautiful. Her hair flowed so nicely.

Lauren's POV...

"Who are you?" I asked as he looked away. "Ummm just a passerby" he said, wait I know that voice "Pewds" I half shouted "You caught me hehe, so your a bro" he replied and I nodded as he looked at me I could now see his face.

Here in front of me, was thee Pewdiepie from Youtube, I was melting on the inside but on the outside I just smiled. Pewdiepie was talking to me, I might just fall for him, and if I do I will be falling hard.

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