Chapter One: Jump to Start

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Cling, clang, cling.

"Thanks for bringing this back to me, Jesse." A male said slyly, after bending down to the ground and picking up a pair of glowing flint and steel. He stood up, a smirk on his face, lime eyes glinting with mischief as he ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair. "I knew you were good for something."

Behind him, stood a girl, with brown hair and light blue eyes, a yellow clip holding the hair out of her face, and a guy, with dark brown hair matching his eyes. All three of them shared a black and gray jacket, along with a sly smirk.

"Give that back Aiden. You don't know what kind of power that thing holds." A female replied tightly, clenching her fists at her sides. She had long, black hair and eyes made of emerald, along with a yellow clip in her hair.

Beside her, were three others. The first was an older man, with black hair and  a beard, swamp colored robes, and dark eyes burning with anger. The second was a girl with reddish orange hair, hazel eyes and a blue striped bandanna wrapped around her head. The third was a male with blonde hair, goggles on top of his head and ocean blue eyes, and a gray and black jacket.

Jesse, Lukas, Petra, and Ivor stood across from Aiden, Gil, and Maya.

"Oh," Aiden replied innocently, turning the flint and steel in his hands with a evil grin. "But isn't that what makes it more fun?"

Jesse's eyes widened as he gestured to them and pulled out a gleaming iron sword.

"Blaze Rods, clear a path."

Behind her, Petra and Lukas took out their swords, gold and iron. Ivor having none, took a step back and cursed under his breath. Maya, Gil, and at last Aiden charged forward, swords ready to strike.

Jesse gritted her teeth as her sword clashed with Aiden's, eyes meeting with each other's as they blocked and attacked.

Lukas was busy with Gil, and Petra was busy with Maya.

Sparks flew as their swords continued to strike, parrying, dodging, and fighting.

"Aiden-" Jesse exclaimed, in between strikes, moving her sword to block his hit from above. "Why?"

With that word the creases on his face tightened, and he used even more force to hit her sword so hard that she fell backwards to the floor.

"You already know why." Aiden growled, going in for the stab, in which she dodged and his sword dug into the floor.

Jesse got up quickly, recovering and grabbing her weapon before standing up. But by then, there were cries and shouts. Gil had found Lukas' weak spot, and Petra had gone to help him. Unfortunately, during the process Maya was able to hit Petra hard on the head, making her fall to the ground in pain. Then she gestured to Gil, who gestured to Aiden, and they ran towards the swirling blue portal surrounded by gold.

Gil and Maya jumped in immediately, Aiden following, but stopped. Jesse headed towards him and took a halt as well, their eyes still boring into each other's.

"You don't have to do this Aiden." Jesse said slowly, somewhat of a plead in her voice. "Stay here, we can-we can work something out-"

He walked towards her, getting close enough so that if someone leaned in, their lips would be touching. He placed his finger under her chin and made her look at him. Green met lime, desperation met puzzlement.

"You want me to stay?" He whispered in her ear. "Then come and catch me."

Then he turned, quick as a flash and jumped into the swirling blue. She was left, stunned speechless as the portal closed before she could react.

Jesse fell to her knees, hitting the cold tile and sword falling out of her hand, heart beating an unusual pace.

After a few moments she stood and walked towards the portal, placing a hand against the cool wall covered in vines. She bit her lip and then smiled bitterly.

I'm going to catch you alright, and when I do, you'll be in for a treat.

Another one of my unofficial stories that I randomly had motivation for and started writing!

Idk why I do this to's more work :/ but I guess it is a hell of a lot fun XD

Anyway, if you didn't read/get the description, this is gonna be an Aidesse story (part of me ships it okay?) if I decide to continue.

Leave your thoughts please :) I'm desperate

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