Chapter Six: Winner

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Petra knew right as she knocked on Jesse's door where she had gone. Of course she did it. Of course. How could she be so stupid?

With feet pounding on the ground, she yelled and ordered Ivor and Lukas to get off their butts and meet them at the portal. Scoffing and grumbling under her breath, she quickly put on her armor and grabbed a few handfuls of materials and food, including her weapon for precaution.

The trio ran for the temple, with Petra demanding they go faster and Ivor panting furiously to catch his breath. Lukas stumbled among the trees and plants, trying to fix his armor which was not fully put on.

"Can't you go any faster?! Jesse could be gone for Notch's sake!" Petra cried angrily, but more out of worry than anything for her best friend. What if something bad happened?

"Petra-calm down," Lukas argued, "it's Jesse, she's-she's not just going to get defeated that-easily."

When they finally reached the temple, climbing up the vines and dust covered walls that lead up to the top, they were met with a strange sound. Until they were close enough, they realized it was laughter.

The three were faced with a sight they thought they'd never see.

Aiden was there, and Jesse. Except they were both howling with laughter, both wet and dirtied with what looked like mud and grass. Their armor was dented and wrecked furiously. And for some reason, Jesse had a little golden crown on her head. The portal was swirling brightly behind them.

"What the hell?!" Petra cried out, taking her sword out at the sight of Aiden.

At the realization of the trio Aiden's face scrunched into a nervous ball, and he took a cautious step back. Jesse's laughter turned into a chuckle as she grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly for reassurance.

"Oh, hey guys-"

"Oh no no no no no-you let go of her hand, right now." Petra interrupted, taking a step forward and pointing her sword threateningly.

"Did you guys find the Eversource?!" Ivor cried out, astonished.

"I don't think that's what we should be focusing on right now, Ivor." Lukas told him wearily, biting his lip and staring strangely.

"Petra, you can lower your sword-" Jesse told her reassuringly, but the redhead shook her head.

"What is it Aiden? What'd you do to Jesse? Blackmail? Threaten her?" She moved forward again and pressed the tip of her sword on his chest, making him let go of Jesse's hand and stumble backwards.

"I-uh-" he stammered nervously, and then turned to Jesse. "-a little help?"

"Petra," Jesse put a hand on her best friend's shoulder, making her flinch and then relax a bit. "It's okay."

She stared at Aiden for a moment, and then at her friend, and then finally sighed and put her sword away.

"Fine. But I deserve an explanation."

"We deserve an explanation," Lukas pointed out, as Ivor nodded, intrigued.

"It's kind of a long story-"

"We've got time."

Jesse chuckled at her friend's persistence. Tired as she was, she began to explain.

"Well, we had a race." She started, as she grabbed Aiden's hand again and squeezed it. His face lit up in a soft smile. "I won."

"Yeah, she did." He admitted thoughtfully. "But she helped me cross the finish line."

"So technically," Jesse exclaimed to her somewhat confused friends, "we're both winners."


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