Chapter Five: Race to the Finish

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"Aiden?" Jesse asked softly, watching as the figure in the room turned to face her. His face looked so blank, like he was covering something he didn't want anyone else to see.

"You've caught me." Was all he said, staring at her. It made shivers run up her spine, a bone chilling coolness spreading along her body.

Thunder crashed, and suddenly, the room was thrown into a pool of darkness. She took a step back, feeling a strong gust of wind blow her hair to the side.

When the light came back, Aiden was in front of her, face twisted into a scowl and a sword in his hand, ready to strike. She gasped in surprise as he attacked, blocking his blade with her own, making sparks fill the air.

The force pushed her backwards onto the floor, and she cursed, making it her third time that day that she had painfully collided with the ground. The armor took most of the damage, and she took that to her advantage, getting up quickly and slashing her sword, in which he blocked.

She pushed him backwards, feet sliding roughly across the floor.

"I promised myself-" he exclaimed, forcing the words out of his mouth, part of his hair covering the deadly look in his eyes. "I promised myself I would kill you, before-"

Aiden scowled and slammed the point of his sword into the ground, shaking his head rapidly. The harsh wind continued to fight as heavy rain fell from the darkened sky, some of it getting pushed inside by nature's forces, splattering the floor and walls with water.

"Aiden, come back, please. End this." Jesse pleaded, taking a cautious step forward. "Please."

He stopped for a moment, as if he were considering what she was saying. And then he lashed out, rushing at her with impeccable speed, slashing the sword against her side. Jesse moved out of the way, but not quick enough to dodge the tip of the blade which left a gash on her cheek towards the nose. A short gasp of pain escaped her lips as blood trailed down her cheek, running down her skin and onto her armor.

Aiden rushed to attack again, and Jesse blocked, sweat beading down her forehead as she took each one of his blows, some barely making it. Finally, she found an opening, a weak spot. He hesitated, just for a moment, but she took it to her advantage. Jesse used the flat part of her sword to push him backwards, cornering him to a dirt path on the outside. Thunder roared louder, and lightning crashed every so often. Soon enough they were both drenched.

"Aiden. Stop. Please." She told him, voice almost cracking. She held her weapon in front of her, but only for defense. "I can help you."

His eyes glimmered with the lightning, wet hair pulled in front of his face as he was still on the ground from the fall, dirt turning into mud. The enchanted iron sword was still gripped tightly in his hand.

"How?" Was the word that came out lower than a whisper. He tilted his head up to look at her, dead in the eye. "I've already done-so many things-unforgivable things-

"Why are you still trying to give me a chance?! Why do you not-" he choked a bit, "how do you not hate me?"

Something caught in Jesse's throat. Maybe it was the shock of the question, or how her brain frantically racked around for an answer. It was indeed, the million dollar question.

Why didn't she hate him? He'd treated her like crap all these years, almost got Reuben killed, insulted her friends. He'd gone so far as to wreck an entire place to pieces, all for jealousy and rage. A mess he made so she'd have to fix.

So why?

"If you hated me, you would've killed me already. Pushed me off this ledge. You would' wouldn't have wanted me to-" his voice trailed off, hidden by the rain pouring even harder. She didn't answer, she couldn't.

Aiden gripped the hilt of the sword tighter, but she didn't move. He then stood up and took a step forward. Another, and then another, shoes getting stained with mud. Again, she stood still. He raised the sword, ready to attack-and then let go. His weapon plummeted down into nothingness, with one last spark of enchantment before disappearing for good.

He asked her again.


They were about half a foot away from each other, so close that they could touch if one moved forwards.

"Why?!" Aiden literally cried at her, voice breaking as his eyes glistened with tears. "Dammit, tell me! Why would you-?!"

Jesse tilted her head to the right and upwards a bit, before leaning towards him, letting their lips collide ever so gently. He gasped against her lips before kissing back, entwining his hands in her hair as she cupped his cheeks. The two kissed in the storm, the weather raging as they continued to get drenched. Not one of them could care at that moment.

She was the first to pull away, Aiden leaning in for another but getting stopped by a finger on his lips. Their foreheads touched, and he let out a heavy sigh.

"'ve always felt like this?"

Jesse chuckled weakly, obviously saying yes. Aiden smiled warmly, for the first time in forever. It made his face hurt.

But as he pressed his lips to hers, grinning like a maniac, he realized something.

She was worth it. And Notch, he never wanted to pull away.

I've been looking at the posting dates and I realized I was posting each month :') oops

Well, I don't have anything to say except I hoped you enjoyed, I wrote this a while ago but I made some revisions.

We're basically at the end of this short story, thanks for sticking with me! The last chapter will come out...sometime in the next two weeks?? I'll try.

Okay bai for now!

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