Chapter Four: Go

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It happened all too suddenly.

The portal was alive, bursting a swirling blue color, it's gleam like moonlight, bright and mysterious. Jesse's eyes snapped open, the bright light making her jump and fall out of her bed. She groaned as her back hit the cold floor and immediately pushed herself back up.

Then she realized and stared in disbelief. It was open. This was her chance. She took out an enchanted diamond sword from her inventory and gripped it in her hands, running forward towards the portal.

A stab of pain shocked her stomach as she felt a pair of feet kick her. She was thrown back once again and was grateful that she had worn armor. She hit the wall, clutching the sword tightly as she watched as two people stepped out of the portal.

"There you are," Maya said, voice deadly sweet and soothing. She grinned shared a quick glance with Gil. "This'll make our job much easier."

Jesse stood in a fighting stance, sword at the ready.

"Where's Aiden?" She asked, firmly. Maya laughed and Gil chuckled.

"Ruling a world." Gil replied, and Maya finished for him. "Exactly where he should be."

Jesse took a step forward towards the portal, and they took a step closer towards each other to block her.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt," Jesse said warningly. "But I'll do what I have to do to get. In that. Portal."

They laughed again, which only made her angrier.

"You think you can beat us? There two of us and one of you." Maya smirked, and the other girl chuckled bitterly.

"You forget who I am." She replied, eyes flashing with something that made fear run up their spines. "Jesse, destroyer of the Witherstorm, leader of the New Order of the Stone, and now, the kicker of your ass. Nice to meet you."


Jesse landed on the other side of the portal with a thump. She quickly wiped off the blood on the gash on her arm and moved the hair out of her face. Maya and Gil were both bruised and unconscious. They wouldn't be up for a while.

As she blinked to clear her vision the sight shocked her. Dozens of mobs, from the Nether as well, pranced around, attacking people who were screaming and running for their lives. Buildings that were probably once beautiful were now ruined and wrecked, some even burnt to a crisp.

As she looked around she realized that this land was an island, surrounded by nothing. One fall and someone could plummet to their death. Where she had landed was right next to another giant building, barely damaged but with one gigantic hole on the side. It looked like a palace, and definitely somewhere Aiden would hide in.

Jesse gasped as a ghast shot a fireball at her, and ducked just in time. She took the sword in her hands and jumped up, using her weapon to slash the ghast right across the face. It made a gurgling sound before falling and right after dying.

She let out a sigh of relief before looking for an entrance to the palace. She could help the people, but she needed to stop Aiden first, he was most likely the cause of this. The main entrance was hoarded by a bunch of mobs, so that was a no.

Oh! But that fireball from the ghast-her idea was proved right as she saw the hole in the building from the fireball she'd dodged. Feeling the slightest bit satisfied, she pushed herself into the palace.


She landed underneath, on a floor made of quartz and iron blocks, which made her steps echo throughout the halls. The area around her was simple to observe.

A hall, greeted by cells to the right and left. She walked forward, slowly, sword still in her hand as she looked back and forth. But the cells were empty.

"Hello?" She whispered loudly, and was soon greeted by a banging on the bars. Her heart thumped as she ran towards the sound. A woman was there, tied and gagged, dark hair messy. To Jesse, she looked like a queen, ripped of her power and thrown away. The older woman looked at her in desperation as muffled words tried to escape her mouth.

Jesse looked and soon found a pair of keys, grabbing them and unlocking the cell. Then she un-gagged the woman who gasped for air.

"They've taken over the city-" she exclaimed quickly, shaking her head, looking scared and frightful as ever.

"Hey hey hey, I just need you to calm down, alright?" Jesse told her, calmly. The other woman stopped and then nodded, taking in a few deep breaths. "I'm Jesse, and I'm here to help you."

"T-thank you, Jesse. Sorry, I'm-my name is Isa. I'm the leader of this city. But earlier today a group of people snuck into the palace and took some spawn eggs-it's a long story-but they used them to spawn monsters and take over." Isa explained, and she knew immediately who they were.

"Don't worry, I'll stop them. Just help your people." Jesse replied, untying and loosening the knots on the ropes.

"Thank you Jesse, thank you so very much." With a grateful nod she gave her some last pieces of information before grabbing two iron swords and running outside into the chaos.

Jesse let out a breath and walked towards the throne room, getting ready for the storm she was expected to fight.

A long awaited chapter for some of you, I know, but here it is

I love writing cliffhangers :')

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