Chapter Two: Ready

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Rustle, rustle. Crunch. Shing.

"Sorry sheep, I forgot to bring a bed with me." Jesse exclaimed, a shear and a few blocks of wool in her hands. The sheep seemed to scoff, turning away and waking in the opposite direction. She looked for a moment, before shrugging and pocketing her loot.

The night was young and the moon had risen in the air, covering the forest in a soft glow. Mobs appeared occasionally, on which Jesse killed with a swift movement of her sword.

She began to head back to the temple, a sword and torch in her hand in case of emergencies. Her footsteps rustled the grass as she traveled quietly to her destination.

Alas, she finally reached the temple, climbing up the vines on the wall until she reached the little area with the portal. Well, the border of it anyway.

Jesse used some blocks to patch up some of the holes, and set up a crafting table in the corner to build some tools. A bed of course, was necessary. She had forgotten to bring one when packing. A pretty dumb move, the more she thought of it.

She placed the wooden planks she had gotten from an oak tree and the three blocks of wool from the sheep in a certain order, and soon enough, a bed appeared.

A small smile of satisfaction curled at her lips as she took the bed and placed it a little ways in front of the portal. Then she sat on it, yawning and stretching, bags under her eyes indicating tiredness. She laid down on the bed, feeling relief at the touch of the pillow, and let herself fall into a sleep.

The portal would open. And when it did, she would be ready.


"Are you guys okay?!" Jesse exclaimed, bending down to the bruised Lukas and almost unconscious Petra.

Petra rubbed the back of her head in pain and nodded, gritting her teeth.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a gigantic freaking bruise on the back of my head." She replied, as Lukas nodded, clutching his side.

"Yep, just a few bruises. Nothing too bad." He exclaimed, getting up from the floor with Petra. "But dang, they hurt."

"You can say that again."

Jesse help both of them stand up as Ivor peeked out from his hiding space behind the wall and began to walk towards them.

He reached behind him and took out a bottle with a brightly colored liquid.

"Healing potion," was all he said, tightly, before crossing his arms and staring at the portal. She caught the potion in her hand right after saying her thanks and handed it to Lukas and Petra to drink. They drank it eagerly, splitting it half and half, their injuries healing by the second.

Jesse caught Ivor grumbling and kicking at the floor.

"Ivor, you okay-?"

"You know just as much I am not okay!" He basically shouted at her. But after seeing the look on her face, he calmed down and sighed. "The Blaze Rods have gotten through the portal. Who knows what could happen? They could steal the Eversource, take all the treasure-"

He groaned and threw his arms up in the air. Jesse shook her head in somewhat of disbelief.

"Is that all you're worried about? Treasure? You know as well as I do that they could cause so much more trouble than that." She said, firmly but not unkindly. Her voice was calm, still recovering from what had just happened. Her face fell as she thought of them, but she bit her lip and forced herself back to normal.

"Jesse's right," Lukas said grimly, nodding. "I've know them as long as I can remember. They've always been troublemakers. And how they're acting now, it's very likely they could do something worse then we expect."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Petra asked, looking strong and as confident as ever. She brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Let's find a way to start up the portal again."

"No." Jesse exclaimed, the word coming out of her mouth before she could stop it. They all looked at her strangely. "I mean, we should head back first, get some materials. Rest. We start first thing tomorrow."

She held her breath as she waited for their response. They all looked at each other, shrugged, and then nodded.

"First thing tomorrow." Petra repeated, before gesturing the others to follow her towards the exit. Lukas went, and then Ivor.

Jesse took one last look at the gold blocks, an unknown feeling scrunching up her heart like a paper ball, and then took the steps she would soon make again.

She would come back tonight, alone. This was something that she had to finish, something that she felt she had awfully started.

Thanks for all the thoughts and support! Gonna continue this story, although updates will be random :)

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