chapter 2

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Yan da and Ying Kong Shi woke to find themselves upon an altar with several others that are now unoccupied.
Ka Sou and all of his companions looked at them with worry.
Xing Jiu looked a bit tired and confused.
Ka Suo ran over and threw her and around the younger man.
"We were so worried when you didn't wake up with the rest of us"
Red eyes sought out mismatched both awash with confusion and hurt.
Yan da turned her head away from the others as her tears overflowed.
The sob she released had the bystanders shocked no one had seen her show such emotions.
"Fan Lei"
Ying Kong Shi felt his own heart drop, however, the look yan da sent him made it clear they must maintain cover until they figure everything out.
The younger prince wanted to wrap his arms around her and morn as well however he stood.
"Let's get out of this dreary place, did we get here?"
He paused.
"The rogue dream weaver I mean"
Ka Suo looked doubtful however he agreed to leave.
Shi found his first opportunity to get away and all but swept yan da away to where they wouldn't be found.
The fire goddess latched onto his shirt and let it all go.
"My baby"
Her face was veiled by white hair and she felt wet drops land on her head from above.
"Shh I know, I'm here its ok"
Yan da screamed into his shirt and his arms held her almost painfully making sure she wouldn't be disappearing anytime soon.
"What are we going to do Shi?"
He sighed unsteadily.
"For me, it's more real than any of my memory before the dream"
Ying Kong Shi felt a nod.
"For me too, I was so happy there what will we do?"
"I can't go back to being enemy's you are my wife I made vows to always be with you"
A soft hand grasped his.
"Me too, and if it was all a dream then we should fight for it get married bring Fan Lei into this world for real, Shi I can't go back from here I need you clans or no"
The two spent the whole night holding each other and trying to possess the old fuzzy memory from before their dream.

Come morning the two rejoined the group before they woke.
Now that they weren't full of raging emotions they were ready to tackle everyone else.

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