chapter 4

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Ka Suo was concerned for his brother, Ying Kong Shi was like himself however not at the same time it was confusing the older prince, there was also that thing with princess Yan Da he didn't disapprove of the two getting close, however, there would be a lot of hardship if they became intimate.
Ka Suo sighed he knew what he would need to do and he would need all of their friends help.
When yan da and ying kong shi was getting water ka suo made his move.
"I don't like having to do this however with how close yan da and ying kong shi are off in their own little world, they don't seem to realise how dangerous it is to be to close to one another...I plan on making sure that they don't get too close, yan da will need to head home soon anyway or the fire king blaze will become suspicious and come looking for her."
The others slowly nodded some more reluctant than others.
"I will help"
Luna confidently spoke.
Which started a chorus of agreement from the others present.

While that was happening yan da and ying kong shi were having a quiet moment alone, hands held and one of yan da's hands making mini fireworks as she leaned against her life mate.
Unaware of the annoyance that would be brought on by brothers love.

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