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The man huffed at his brother.
"Dont shi me what is going on?"
Ka Suo sighed.
"We have been making sure you dont get too attached to yan da..."
The younger raised his eyebrow.
"To protect you! All this...whatever it is will lead to is hurt,her father would rather kill her than let her be with you"
Yan da was really hurt by that last statment and was ready to just hide away when she saw ying kong shi's jaw twitch.
"I love you Ka Suo really but how dare you, you butted in on a situation you know nothing about took my choice away and tryed to say its for my benefit,what about your friends? Making them do that to yan da and making them deal with the guilt of hurting her."
He was breathing heavily and yan da gently touched his arm in comfort.
"Ying Kong Shi its fine you dont have to say anymore"
She whispered feeling his anger and betrayal.
"No i do, yan da and i lived a life in that dream..a life which is more real to us than this one, we had emotional attachments we had a life we had a family together, my wife and i lost our son right before our eyes and were dumped in this strange world we could bearly remember and insted of stepping up and being with her untill we ajusted i let myself be swept into brotherly obligation,no matter what you try to do brother she is my wife official or not"
Yan da found herself locked in a strong pair of arms.
Ka Suo sat more stunned than the others his heart hurt.
"I didnt realize..shi im sorry"
The man hung his head and for a minute nobody moved.
Yan da slipped free and knelt down infront of Ka suo.
"Dont be sad, you did it to protect your brother and dispite that we dont remember much from here thats exactly what our ka suo would do, protect his family, im not mad any more this whole conversation seemed to put things into prospective, you have always been a good brother and this is the moment all good brothers have to face, the realization that ying kong shi is capable to make his own choices, dont get me wrong im still anoyed but you were always my favorite of his siblings"
They all took a breath and sat down to calm down, every person pretending that Ka Suo didnt have tear tracks slowly running down his cheeks.
Slowly yan da and ying kong shi locked eyes shareing a knowing look.
They both moved and sat on eather side of ka suo.
"Oh jeeze my bad"
She bumped ka suo towards shi who grinned and pushed his back.
"You clumsy woman"
She did it again.
"Whoopse my bad"
The younger ice prince pushed his brother towards yan da again.
"You did that on purpose!"
She grinned and sent ka suo back towards shi.
"No way never on purpose~"
Shi pushed him back.
"Brother dont let her push you around geeze!"
The shocked look on Ka Suo's face morphed into an uncontrollable laugh which had everyone laughong too.
Ka suo wrapped an arm around both of them.
"Thank you"
Yan da grinned.
"So long as you agree to marry us when this bloody war is over"
She then whispered in his ear.
"It would mean the world to shi if you were the one who did it"
The older brother looked blown away.
"I think thats a deal!"

The war was long winding and drawn out yan da was forced to leave the battle feild when Huang Tuo informed them that she was now pregnant which threw everyone for a loop and yan da was stuck in the ice palace however they finnaly delt with flame.
Yan da was married to ying kong shi swiftly so that the baby would be born in wedlock.
She gave birth to a sweet baby boy they named Fan lei.
As the boy grew it was clear that his favorite relitive was Ka suo who spoiled him rotten, they raised him to beleve all of thair friends were aunts and uncles because they were family blood or no.
Ying kong shi's father was dubious about the marrage but being called grandad seemed to soften the man.
Yan da and ying kong shi lived out thair long lives in happiness, they saw thair son grown up get married and give them thair own grandchildren before passing away together in thair sleep at a very ripe old age, yan da being older was the first to pass and as if sensing his life mate go ying kong shi expelled his life forse as he slept unwair of the ordeal.
Ka suo mourned them with what was left of thair friends however they all knew they would soon join them in a land were there were cars and schools and fancy houses and a president.
In a land that was created in a dream but became a realilty in the next life.
The end

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