Everything is blue// 1

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^^ That's Rose 🌹. Hella cute amiright y'all? But anyways back to my new book.

"Happy birthday Rosalina!" My Mom sat a strawberry cake in front of me on our dinner table. Truthfully, my mind was in a completely different place.
New York.
Texas sucks, honestly.
When will my letter from NYU come?
I have to make it. I can't be stuck here forever!
I mean, okay. Texas is fine and all. But I'd rather be somewhere else. Like New York!
"Make a wish, sissy!" My little brother Gavin smiled, jumping up and down. He's the cutest brother ever. And my only one.
My face lit up as I blew the 19 candles on the cake into darkness. I graduated last year and I've been living with my parents and kinda figuring my life out I guess.
Both my parents are doctors, so I'm basically the disappointment since I don't wanna be held down. I wanna be a photographer.
You see, We're a pretty stereotypical family. Wealthy. "Happy".
After the little celebration, we ALSO exchanged Christmas presents. Because yeah, I got "lucky" enough to have a birthday on Christmas I guess.
"Its pretty warm ma. Cool if I go to the park?" "Sure honey, don't come back too late."
I knew she'd say yes so before my mother could answer I grabbed my skateboard and left the gigantic house.
Let me finish telling about myself. I believe I already mentioned I'm 19, I'm pretty average in height, my chest is flat as fuck as is the rest of me. I grew up pretty happy, I'm edgy but not depressed. My parents assume I am just cause I like being alone, but nothings wrong with-
I almost fell off the board as I swerve over a bump in the road, reaching the park where I grew up.
I sat on the swing and grabbed my instax out looking around for a good shot. Then I see this odd looking boy. His hair matches the sky!
I can't see his face and he can't see mine, so I decide to quickly take a picture of him turned around, his blue hair blending into the bright blue sky. (pretend his hair is still blue y'all)

I get up and grab my skateboard, minutes later falling on my ass from falling off.
"FUCK!" I yell, rubbing blood off my leg and picking up the few pictures I took.
A boy rushes over.
"Hi! Are you oka- is that a picture of me?" The blue man says, looking down at the picture I left on the ground.
I felt my face burning red as I bit my lip, refusing to look him in the eyes. "Y-yeah," I studdered, "it was a really good picture I'm so-"
"No no! Don't be sorry! I assume you're into photography?"
I felt relieved as he wasn't mad at me and shyly nodded.
"That's so cool! Anyways, see you around, photography girl."

Lucky People (Awsten Knight) Where stories live. Discover now