chapter filler// 6

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"Can you pick me up?"

"Yeah yeah."

I pulled up at Awsten's curb. "Get in, loser." I smiled at him, unlocking the doors. "Oooh are we going shopping?" He giggled, getting in and buckling his seat.

Shaking my head, I drove. Awsten turned on the radio, as i suddenly realized what song it was.


I swerved my car and then slammed on the breaks. "Turn. This. Off."

"Awww why?"

I shrugged, avoiding his question. "Too mainstream and retarded." (A/N no one get offended by this it's just her personality xoxo)
He chuckled, turning off the radio and smiling at me. "Hmm?" I looked at him for a second, wondering if there was something on my face.

He just kept smiling for a second, before being brought back into this world. "Oh uhh I like looking and good looking people." Blushing, he fumbled with his fingers.

Was he just being kind? Or flirting? Was he crushing on me the way I found myself crushing on him?

Do y'all want a Gavin chapter before the big big news??

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