I'm Feeling What I Feel For You// 8

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"So you never told Susan about me?" Awsten sat on my bed, looking around. I shrugged, turning on the tv. "I just never got around to it, I guess. Nothing personal."

He nodded, looking around until something caught his eye.

He got up and grabbed the picture on my dresser. "You still have this?"

Of course I did. He's turning out to be one of my favorite few, and i'm cherishing every moment I have with this guy.

"Earth to Rose!!" He waved his hands in front of me, as a snapped back into reality. "Oh uh I just never moved it from the original place I had it." I said, scratching my arm.


I chuckled, leaving my room and nudging Awsten mumbling, "Authur."
"Shush, my girls mom can call me whatever she wants me to."
My girl.
"I made chicken marsala, I hope that's okay." My mom said, setting the table.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay for dinner, Susan." Awsten smiled at my mom, helping her set the table. "No problem hunny, you're welcome here anytime."

After giggles and smiles at dinner, Awsten and I took a walk.  "Your mom is really nice." "Yeah." "Do you think she likes me?" "She's fond of you."

That lit up his eyes, the fact that my mom liked him. And that warmed my heart.

We ended up NOT going to a park because that's too cheesy, so we went to the woods. I'm currently 20 feet up in a tree, next to my favorite boy watching the lilac sunset.

"It's beautiful."

I nodded, taking in the whole sight. below us, bright green grass complimenting the ground. Above us, miles of ombré sky. And next to me, an adorable blue haired boy.

"I was thinking about dying my hair purple."
I was caught off guard by Aws, looking at him. "Can I help?" "Can I trust you?"

Minutes later, we ended up in a cruddy corner store buying cruddy purple hair dye, that looked like it was already open. But we both said fuck it, let's do it for the thrill.

"What colors have you dyed your hair?" Awsten asked me, as he set a 20$ bill on the dirty counter and we left. "Every color of the fucking rainbow," I giggled, "I like colors."

"O. M. G. I LIKE COLORS TOO!!!! I FOUND MY FUCKING SOULMATE!" He picked me up on the sidewalk and spun me around like he jus won a million dollars.

I laughed, "Awsten put me doooown!!"

This was gonna be a long night.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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