They're All Wrong About Me// 7

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"Yay!! The mall!" Awsten got out of my car and smiled at me widely, as I did the same. Replying with a quick mhnmmm I got out also, following an excited Awsten into the mall.

"Where first?" I asked, looking at a map. He smirked, pointing towards an area. "Hot Topic, so you and I can go buy all the parx merch." I giggled, grabbing his arm and walking into the store.

"Can I ask you questions about your boy band?" I looked around the store, grabbing a few chokers. "Yeah yeah, go ahead. And it's not a boy band!" Awsten huffed, grabbing Waterparks shirts and handing them to me. (AN- THEYRE NOW AT HOT TOPIC!!!🤤) I rolled my eyes, accepting the shirts and asking him questions. "When did you guys form?" "2011."
(Okay y'all i'm thinkin imma make a separate chapter on all of your questions about it, and make it like she's asking Aws. PlLEEEEASE ASK QUESTIONS!! 🤗)

"awSTEN KNIGHT!!" A young girl said, running over to us, smiling majorly. "Hi kid!" Awsten replied, hugging her. "How are you?" "I'm g-good now that I met you!! Ohmygod I lOVE YOU!!" "I love you too!" He smiled, taking a picture with her as she walked away. I just watched amazed at how good Awsten was with his fans. Adorable.

"That was cute." I nudged his arm, as he smiled at me. "Are you saying I'm cuuute?" He put his hands on his hips, winking at me. "Sure blue."
"OOOOO A NEW NICKNAME!!" Awsten beamed, as we paid for the stuff.

"MOMM!!" I yelled, walking into the door. "YEESSS HONEY- oh you brought a friend! Hi, I'm Susan." My mom said, shaking Awsten's hand as he introduced himself. "Hi Susan, I'm Awsten. But I'm sure you've heard much about me." He winked at me, as I giggled. "Actually no." My mom shot me a glare, as I could see the slight hurt in Awsten's delicate eyes. "Well, we're going up to my room!"

Just something to post, idrk. I can't write anymore.

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