Chapter 10

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Luckily, when Lucy got back to her apartment, Natsu was no where in sight and she relaxed herself with a hot chocolate.

She went to the bed and crawled under the covers. She fell asleep almost instantly.

Natsu was worried. Very worried. He was worried that Lucy was depressed and secluded herself from everyone.

Lisanna walked up to him and started gossiping about stuff Natsu didn't feel like listening to. He was more worried about Lucy.

Lucy walked into the guild, more and more bandages wrapped around her arms. She was wearing skinny jeans. She never wears that.

Lucy walked to a booth on her own and put her head in her hands. Natsu couldn't help but wonder what was going on. When Lisanna didn't think Natsu was looking, she walked over to Lucy and pierced her skin with her nails.

Lucy flinched. She took a bandage out of her purse and placed it on the cut.

Natsu walked up to Lucy.

"Luce! What's up?" Natsu asked, running up to Lucy.

"H-Hi." She said, tears threatening to spill.

She ran off without a second thought and into her bathroom. She sliced her arm four times, before cleaning it all up and curling up in a ball and falling fast asleep.

I Don't (Nalu) Book 1  [Under Editing] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now