Im sorry!!

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(Peggy's POV)
He kissed me? He kissed me?! He kissed me!!! He kissed me, he kissed me, he kissed me!! These thoughts kept spiraling around in my head as he did it. I felt like the happiest person alive, but then, the happy feeling ended when he pulled away. I looked at him in the eyes and he looked back at me with pure happiness in his eyes. I, on the other hand, instantly felt guilty because I knew I would never be able to be with him.

(John's POV)
I looked at Peggy after I kissed her. I kissed her? I kissed her?! I kissed her! I did it! I thought to myself. I looked at her in the eyes as a guilty look and a red blush covered her face.
"Wh-what's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" I pulled my hands off of her's just in case.
"N-no.. I-it's just th-that-" she started
"That what?" I said a little confused. She said I didn't do anything wrong so I really don't see what the problem was.
"I can't be with you." She said straight up. She turned her head and she looked as if she was going to cry. I felt like my heart had shattered. into a million pieces and just like a vacuum, sucked right out of me.
"Why not?" I asked, heartbroken.
"Because... my- my father would never let m-me.." she stuttered. I pulled all the way back and sat up straight.
"What's your dad got against m-" I started.
"Because.. Your poor..!" She raised her voice at me. I stared at her in shock. Did she just call me poor?!! What the fuck!
"Poor..?" I said, still in shock.
"I-I didn't mean it like tha-"
"Then what the hell did you mean it by?!" I started to raise my voice at her and I could visibly see her becoming scared. She didn't say anything, she just trembled and actually started crying.
"Do you know how it feels to be called poor?" I started after a while of silence. "Let me answer that for you, you don't. You've been rich since your disgraceful birth! Meanwhile, I sometimes stole food from a nearby store just so we could eat when my father didn't feel like feeding us! I bet you've been fed your entire life by your father! I've bee-"
"J-John I-" she started, but I rudely cut her off.
"You what? What could you possibly say to make this situation any better?" I yelled at her. She quickly closed her mouth and continued sobbing quietly. I could tell I was hurting her feelings, but I didn't care at the time, I just kept ranting.
"And you know what? My father left! I don't have a mother because she died! And the girl that I thought I loved kicked me in the ass just because I don't have money like her! Well guess what.. go marry a rich man and I'll be just fine with it! Go on! Bye!" I yelled at her, tears coming down my face because I knew I regretted every word that exited my mouth, but I just couldn't seem to stop. Then, Peggy got up and left the cabin without a word. No one, but myself, knows how badly I wanted her to just stay with me. I wanted to hug her, but she left because I told her to.
I guess a sense of realization hit me at what I just did so I ran out after her, the wind making my face colder because of the tears on it.
"Peggy! Peggy wait! Please..!" I yelled out to her, but there was no use. It just made her run away even faster from me.
"Shit.." I muttered to myself. I just fucked up! "Why did I do that..?"
(Peggy's POV)
Every one of John's words hit me like a bricks. They hurt, yes, but they were true and I deserved it. I know I did. I deserved every word he spat at me, and he had every right to be angry with me. I knew being called poor by a girl who's been rich since birth would affect him harshly. I shouldn't have said it, which is why when he told me to leave, I was respected his words and left.
"Peggy! Peggy wait! Please..!" I heard him yell after me, but I kept running. I couldn't face him again, not today. I ran all the way home, my tears drying on the way. About 5 minutes away from my house, my arm starts to bleed out of nowhere.
"Shit.." I muttered to myself. This disease has been a bitch lately, but did it have to happen now? After I got my heart broken and broke someone's heart all in one day?
I thought quickly for a moment, it was only 9:10 so I had plenty of time until I had to get back home. I took off one shoe and sock, tying it around my arm tightly to stop the bleeding until I got home. I ran quickly to the side ladder of my window and climbed up, opened the window, and headed in to see Agent Theo still standing near my window. She didn't necessarily get to ask me anything as she saw my bleeding arm and immediately took me to the bathroom to get me situated.
After about a few minutes, my arm stopped bleeding and Theo put a band-aid on it. I sat on my bed for some time, just contemplating my day, then decided to text John. I needed to apologize, but I knew I couldn't do it in person. So I texted him:

YellowKid: John. I'm so sorry for hurting you, please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to say it in that way like that. Please, I understand if you don't talk to me again, but please accept my apology 🙏🏼🙏🏼 and if you never talk to me again, I just wanted to let you know "I love you ❤️😢"

Hey! I could've sworn I published this chapter already, but I think it might've gotten deleted, so I made another one, but I hope you enjoy it? I don't know I'm pretty trash..
Love forever,

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