Forgiveness! Can you imagine?

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(John's POV)
I made it home by 9:10 and went straight to my room. I felt horrible, but at the same time I didn't. It hurts to be called poor, especially when I'm not that poor, but to Peggy and her snotty, stuck up family, I am. Just because I don't have as much money as them doesn't mean I'm poor. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings though, what I said was very inappropriate. She's probably afraid of me now.
I stared at the ceiling of my room just thinking. Thinking about the time we spent together, the times we played, the times we had really deep conversations, the time we kissed.. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and checked it. I had a text message from her. It read:
YellowKid: John. I'm so sorry for hurting you, please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't mean to say it in that way like that. Please, I understand if you don't talk to me again, but please accept my apology 🙏🏼🙏🏼 and if you never talk to me again, I just wanted to let you know "I love you ❤️😢"
After reading that, it made me regret everything I did before.
"John!" My sister Martha called me, snapping me out of my thought.
"Yeah?" I yelled back.
"Get your butt down here and come eat!!" She yelled back.
"Fine!" I yelled back. I put my phone in my pocket and headed downstairs.
I started downstairs to see my little brother, James , and Martha at the dinner table. I join them and they both look at me weirdly.
"Where've you been?!" James exclaims. "We been eatin' for a lotta minutes now." He told me. I chuckled, but that quickly stopped when I saw Martha glaring at me. She passed me a plate of spaghetti and a fork.
"Eat up.." she said in a low, angry voice.
"I-I'm afraid to.." I said in a shaky voice. She gave me a dumbfounded look, balling up her fist playfully and shook her head.
"You better eat... because my friend James here.." she pointed to James and he waved, "..would love to finish the spaghetti for you... Wouldn't you James?" We both looked over at him simultaneously.
James squealed and smiled, "Paskhetti!" I chuckled and started eating my food while the others did the same. It felt good to play with my family instead of mourning over her.
After we were all finished eating, Martha took the plates and James went upstairs to go to bed. I stayed downstairs and helped clean off the table while Martha cleaned the dishes. As I was cleaning off the table, I felt something buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and saw my phone blown up with text messages from her..

YellowKid: John talk to me please...!
YellowKid: John I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
YellowKid: John please. I understand if you never talk to me again, but at least forgive me.
YellowKid: John, I love you, but please forgive me.
~4 missed calls from YellowKid~
YellowKid: I'm coming over to your place if you don't answer me. I need to know if you accepted my apologies.
~1 missed call from YellowKid~
YellowKid: I'm coming over there.

My face went pale after reading this.
"Shit.. she's coming.." I mumbled to myself. Martha looked at me with a confused expression.
"What's wrong, John?" She asked, "Your face is really pale." I looked at her, then looked down.
"I- uh.. n-nothing.." I stuttered, biting my lip.
"Nothing my ass..!" She snatched my phone from me. I gasped as she scrolled through my messages, specifically ones from Peggy. My face turned red as she started smirking and making kissy faces at me.
"John's got a girlfriend...~~!" She teased, making my face go even redder.
"No I don't!!" I groaned back, reaching for my phone, but she snatched it backwards.
"Ah- ah! Not until you tell me who this Peggy is and why she texted "I love you~" she started giggling and I gave her a death glare. I huffed and crossed my arms. She continued to smirk and then asked, "When is she coming?" She asked.
"You read that?" I asked.
"Yes I read that. I read almost everything! I'm very interested in my little brother's love life..!" She squealed, hugging me. I gave an uncomfortable groan and managed to pry her off of me.
"I don't know when she's coming... a-and I-I don't know what we are." I sighed in defeat. Martha gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder and ruffled my already nappy hair.
"Hey, go ahead to your room until she comes through your window." She said normally and went back to cleaning. I stared at her dumbfounded for a few moments until she finally said, "I know about your rope; I also know that you thought she was the only one who knew about.. until I read your phone~" she teased and I groaned, making my way to upstairs to my room. On my way, I checked on James and saw a heart filling sight, and from that moment, I knew what I needed to do
~Rewind~ (brought to you by Angelica from Satisfied ;)

(Peggy's POV)
"Please please please please please please-"
"Come on Theo! I m-messed up!!" I sobbed to her.
"It's Agent Theo to you and don't act like a 5 year old. You're almost 19 years old."
"Exactly so why can't I go!!" I whined back, wiping a few tears.
"Because that destroys the whole purpose of a SECURITY GAURD!" Agent Theo fired back. I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat as I belly flopped onto my bed and face planted into my pillow. I still felt bad about hurting John and I couldn't just get through the day without apologizing in person to him. I'm trying to beg Theo- excuse me- Agent Theo to let me go to his house because I finally built up enough courage to try, but she won't let me go.
After a few moments of Agent Theo looking at me sobbing into my pillow, she finally sighed.
"Fiiiiiinnee.." She groaned. "I'm keeping this window open for 3 hours! If you're not back in 3 hours then I'm locking the window and leaving. Have fun Kid." She smirked and opened my window, "Tick-Tock" she teased. I instantly popped up and headed out of my window, pricking my finger on the way down. I always do that!
Why do I always do that?!!?!
I honestly didn't care at the time. I just sucked on it in my mouth and hoped that the bleeding would stop quickly, even thought I knew it wasn't. I wanted John to answer my texts. I wanted him to forgive me. I wanted things to go back to normal with him, so that's exactly why I'm going over to apologize. I walked slowly over to his house, admiring some of the views on the way over there. I made my way to his window in about 10 minutes flat.
I climbed up to his window on his rope and opened his window because, thankfully, it wasn't locked. I walked into his room to see the opposite of what I expected: a clean room.

Now I've been to John's house millions of times and every time his room looked like a trash truck dumped trash into there at least 50 times a day.

Anyways, as I walked through his clean room, I heard a baby crying. My momma instincts kicked in and I immediately followed the sound, forgetting about my own personal issues. I stopped crying as I walked through the hallway and heard John downstairs with his sister, Martha. He told me about her before, but I've never actually seen her in person, only in pictures. I didn't want to interrupt by going downstairs so I continued to follow the crying and made it to a dark blue room with stars scattered all over the place. I recognized this room as James's room. James looked at me tearing and stretched his arms out to me.
"Pecky! Pecky!" He whined out. Poor kid abused my name, but I didn't really care. I responded to his call by picking him up carefully and placing his head on my shoulder as I shushed him and rocked him to sleep, humming the tune of "twinkle twinkle little star". He slowly started drifting off to sleep as I kept rocking him.
I heard something on the stairs, but I decided to ignore it for James's sake so he could sleep in peace.
I turned around and almost dropped James when I saw John leaning against the door and watching me.
"What are you doing here?!" I whisper-yelled.
"It's my house." He deadpanned back. I rolled my eyes and put James in his bed, tucked him in, and went over to John.
(Third Person POV)
"Can we.. uh.. talk?" Peggy asked nervously.
"Yeah.. sure." John said back, grabbing her hand and walking back to his room with her. He led her inside and closed the door on his way in. Peggy instantly walked over and hugged him.
"I'm sorry." She said, holding him tightly, surprised that he held her back.
"I know. I know." He said back softly, rubbing her back.
"Do you forgive me..? I'll never do it again I promise. I'll never hur-" she was cut off by John kissing her. Her face turned a light shade of red as she kissed back. He put an arm around her waist as she put a hand on his cheek.
John pulled back to look at her, "Listen.. I know you're sorry. Honestly, it was just me.. I was scared you wouldn't forgive me for hurting you.." he said softly.
"You were scared? I'm the one that should've been scared.. I was such a jerk and I didn't realize what I said was completely and utterly inappropriate.. I-I'm s-so sorry.. please forgive me." She said in a hopeful tone.
"I forgive you.." he reassured, hugging her. "I'm sorry too.."
"F-for What?" She asked, confused.
"I shouldn't have yelled at you, or have gotten so worked up over it. I'm sorry." John told her softly.
"No.. I-I deserved.. I'm sorry." John sighed.
"No you didn't." He let her go and she laid down on his bed, almost immediately falling asleep.
John smiled at her and covered her with a blanket before laying down on the floor and falling asleep as well.

And the night ended happily, except it didn't.

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