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(Peggy's POV)
I quickly climbed down my window, thankfully this time not cutting or scratching myself, and ran as fast as I could without stopping. I have no Idea why I did what I did, but I couldn't blame myself. It was self defense.
I didn't notice the tears rolling down my cheeks as I took a familiar road and ended up back in front of John's door. How? Well you're askin the wrong person!
I slowly walked to the side of the house to see the rope still dangling from John's window. I quickly grabbed onto it and pulled myself up, which was quite easy since I'm basically a pro at it now.
I made it up to the top and tried to open the window, it was locked. I tapped on it next to try and wake up the sleeping John I "stalked" through the window.
(John's POV)
I hadn't slept in a week, I was weak, I was asleep until I heard tapping on my window. I quickly shot up from my bed and looked towards my window.
Wait- Is that? Peggy?
I hopped out of bed to get a closer look, walking towards the window.
It is Peggy.
I quickly unlocked the window and pulled it open, grabbing her hand and helping her inside.
"Peggy? What're you doing here?" He asked, closing the window simultaneously. She looked up at me with teary eyes and that's when I knew something was wrong.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my bed, then sat down. She instantly put her head on my shoulder and just cried. I tensed up a little, then calmed down, rubbing circles onto her back. She seemed to calm down after doing that so I decided to take my chances and lift her head up. She looked at me in the eyes as I did the same, looking into her tearful eyes.
"..Pegs? What's wrong..?" I asked slowly and softly, not to startle her, and held her hand.
She trailed her eyes downward, then but her lip and shook her head. I decided not to press on to make her uncomfortable and nodded.
"Alright. Just- tell me whenever you're ready.." I said calmly. She nodded and peaked at me for a second, before face planting into my chest. I wrapped an arm around her back and rubbed up and down.
"Pegs. It looks like you had a rough day.. Y-you should get some sleep.." I said after a while of just holding her.
I couldn't lie, I wanted to stay like that forever, but it wasn't possible. I got up before hearing my name muttered from beside me.
"..J-John.. I don't have anything to sleep in.." she said. I could hear her voice cracking and I felt horrible.
I walked over to my drawer and pulled out a long T-shirt, then tossed it on the bed. I turned around for privacy purposes and waited until I heard my bed creak to peak behind me.
She was already in bed and looked fast asleep. I decided to walk out of my room and close the door.
I turned around only to be met with my smirking older sister. I almost jumped out of my skin and backed up into my door.

"Who's the girl in your room?"

I know. Extremely short chapter, only 562 words..... I'm really slacking, but I've been busy so.... sorry. Updates will be slow, but I'm not quitting this story!!!!! I NEVA QUIT

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