It might just be over..

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Blood. Blood. Blood.
(Third Person POV)
John and Philip both ran over to Peggy as relentless blood streamed from her nose. This was nothing new to Peggy, it just had never been this bad before. Maybe it was because of the surprise visit from her father, or the simple thought of what her father would do to her.
Philip helped Peggy hold her head back while John went and got paper towels.
John held the paper towels to Peggy's nose and placed a cold compress on her heat to cool her down.
The blood started to slow down as time elapsed. Peggy breathed slowly to keep her heart from bursting through her chest from her father glaring holes into the side of her head.
About 10 minutes passed and Peggy's blood finally stopped. After towels and towels, her blood finally ceased to slip through her nose.

This is when hell started

I couldn't tell you what Peggy and John were thinking at the time, only they can.
I'll let them tell it.
(John's POV)
Alright. The blood stopped. That's good and bad. Good for Peggy, bad for me.

Her blood was the only thing keeping me from talking to her father, but, I'll just man up.

After a spilt second, her father looked at me, then at Peggy, then back at me. I looked him back in the eye, pure fear pumping through my veins at the same time, but I had to look strong enough to face him.
"What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Daughter?" He said, pausing between each word as the anger rose in his voice.
"He didn't do anything Dad!" Peggy answered for me in a high pitches voice.
"I didn't ask you Peggy, and watch your tone with me. We're gonna talk about what happened later. Don't think Theodosia didn't already tell me what happened." He growled, then turned back to me, making me step back a little.
Who is Theodosia?
That though quickly dissolved from my mind as Philip began speaking again.
"I don't care what you feel for my daughter. You are never, and I mean never, allowed to talk to, listen to, see, or even think about my daughter ever again! If you do, so help me God you will not be alive to see the next hour! You understand me boy?!" He grabbed my collar, pulling me closer to his warm breath.
I started sweating and nodded. "Y-yes sir." I stuttered, looking at Peggy from the corner of my eye. Her eyes seemed to dim at the conversation and I could practically hear her heart breaking.
I had no time at all to think about that as I was brutally pushed to the ground by no other than Philip Schuyler himself. I groaned in frustration and held onto my hip as he stepped a little closer.
"That was just a fair warning." He spat at me, as Martha darted down the stairs and over to the scene.
"Please. Sir, whoever you are. Get out of my house or I'll call the police!" Martha said sternly, giving him an odd stare.
Philip grabbed Peggy's wrist a little too tight for comfort and stormed out of the door with her stumbling behind him.
Peggy looked back at me with teary eyes, then turned back to catch up with her father.
Martha helped me get back to my feet, then hugged me as I felt my heart shatter and dissolve. I wasn't allowed to see Peggy. It hurts even more to think it.
I hugged Martha back as she rubbed circles around my back.
"She doesn't deserve a father like that." Martha said after a few minutes of us just hugging.
"I-I know." I said, starting to shed a tear.
(Peggy's POV)
My face was hot with tears, my nose was as red as the bleed that was pouring from it, I have a headache, my wrist is bruised, and now my father is mad at me.
He basically dragged me all the way home.
"I don't want to hear it Margarita. You've done quite enough." He said in a harsh tone, getting out his keys to unlock the house door. He grabbed my wrist tighter as he opened the door and practically threw me inside of the house.
I whimpered as I hit my ankle on the couch and looked up at my father with fearful eyes.
"Why are you doing this? Why can't I love who I love!?" I yelled, which earned a nice, hard, firm slap from him on my face. Holding my face, I squealed as my cheek immediately turned red.
"HE'S POOR! How many times do I have to tell you?" He stated, pacing back and forth. "You cannot love a poor man who will not be able to provide for your every need, which is exactly why I found someone for you to marry Upstate!" He said, ignited my face to heat up.
"YOU DID WHAT!?" I boomed. "How could you?!" I yelled, standing up as hot tears streamed from my eyes.
"Oh don't think you're so perfect now! Theodosia told me exactly what you did to Mr. Lee and I think you owe him, and her an apology." He said, grabbing ne shirt collar and pulling me close to his face, lifting me from the ground because of his height.
I bit my lip and squealed. "I-I"
He dropped me, then kicked my side, initiating a groan from me as he stood tall. "I will be getting a new guard, one that'll stay with you 24/7." He spat, then walked off like nothing at all happened.
After a few moments, I stumbled to my feet, grabbing onto anything to help pull me up, and held my side. I caught my breath before using the last bit of energy I had to dart up the stairs and into my room, locking the door.
I turned around to see Agent Theo sitting on my bed, biting her lip. I felt relieved to see her and immediately hugged her, starting to cry into her shoulder.
"I heard everything. I'm sorry." She told me. I stiffened up, this was the first time she's actually shown real affection towards anyone. "I'm glad you're alright though." She said, standing up off of my bed and looking towards the door. "But you do know what this means.. right?" She asked.
"y-yeah.." I stuttered. "No more sneaking out." I whispered the second part as she nodded.
"And especially with that boy.." she said, standing back at her position near the window.
"Now if I were you, I'd get some sleep to clear my mind." She told me as I wiped my tear filled face with my sleeve. "We both have a huge day ahead of us tomorrow.." she said bitterly, looking straight ahead. "Good night kid. Don't let your father bite." She winked at me, then continued looking forward.
I smiled a little at that, then laid down in my bed, not caring about taking off my clothes or not, and drifting off into a deep sleep. The words "We both have a big day ahead of us" spiraling through my head over and over
    And over
  And over

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