Chapter 28

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I was sitting on French class next to Niall and his hand was placed on my thigh. Luckily we were sitting in the back of the classroom, so no one could see what was going on under our table.

This Monday wasn't so typical, mostly because me and Niall were officially a couple now and I had a constant urge to touch my boyfriend. We had managed to keep our urges under control for now and the whole secrecy thing wasn't actually so bad. In fact, I kind of liked it.

After English class we had sneaked out to the restroom and made out there and at music class, Niall had managed to give me a tiny kiss on the cheek when no one was watching. Now, his hand was resting on my thigh and I loved the feeling his touch gave me.

During lunch I started to wonder if I should tell the rest of our group about me and Niall. I hadn't really spent that much time with my group outside school, I had only been with Niall, Liam and Louis. I used to be close with Zayn but nowadays he was always with Perrie, and I was usually with Niall.

I decided to put my thoughts aside and discuss the subject with Niall later, when we would be alone.

"Are you excited for the open mic gala this evening?" Liam's eyes were suddenly turned to me and I realised he was talking to me.

"I'm nervous," I admitted.

"You'll be fantastic," someone reassured from my right and I smiled when I felt a small hand tapping my knee under the table.

"Thanks Ni," I thanked my boyfriend.

"Are you performing too Niall?" Zayn joined our conversation.

"Yeah I actually wrote a new song during Christmas holiday so I'll be singing it," Niall told him.

"Cool," Zayn nodded.

Once the school day was over, I headed back to my apartment. Louis joined me since I needed someone to calm me down, and Louis was usually the best person for the job.

"Could you pick an outfit for me?" I asked my best friend before stripping off my clothes and stepping into my bathroom. I was craving for a hot, relaxing shower.

"Sure mate," Louis agreed.

"So, is your song ready to be performed?" Louis asked once I had stepped back to my bedroom.

"I think so, I already gave our music teacher the sheets so he'll be playing piano while I sing," I told him.

"Do you know what Niall is going to sing?" I suddenly asked while getting dressed.

"No, I thought you would know since you're his boyfriend," Louis was grinning.

"He wouldn't tell me," I sighed.

"Maybe it's another song about you!" my best friend yelled with a happy tone in his voice.

"We'll see," I calmed him down.

When it was time to go back to our school, I was anxious and my palms were sweaty. Louis was driving us so I could try to calm myself down, but I was doing a horrible job at it. The only thing I could think of was that I was making a mistake, and I would embarrass myself on the stage in front of our whole school.

Once we arrived to the school, we searched for our boyfriends and finally, Louis spotted Niall and Liam standing outside the gym.

"Hi," I breathed nervously once I had stepped next to Niall.

One Year (Narry AU) - CompletedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ