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Being in university is a lot of fun. It's better than high school for sure. I'm taking classes I wanna take and for most of the days I don't have to wake up early in the morning. And I'm doing something to shape my future.

Art is my passion and even though I'm not a Picasso, I really love my major, Art History.

Dean shouted: "Are you ready? We're gonna be late."

Dean is my boyfriend. He is studying in NYU and majoring in Business Management. I really don't remember how we met, as well as, I don't know how we started dating in the first place. We are polar opposites and our relationship is definitely not healthy.

I fixed my lipstick and got out of our room and shouted: "Jesus, I'm ready. Calm the fuck down, just wait for a second."

We are 18 but, we fight like we are 40 year olds.

I wore a turtleneck and flared pants. I wore big hoop earrings. I go downstairs and see a handsome Dean waiting for me. Although we are like yin and yang, I really found him attractive.

We are going to an art exhibition by the way. My lovely friend Celia invited us and I'm actually really looking forward to it.

On the way to the exhibition, we fought again. He was complaining because he really didn't like those places and I was questioning myself, why was I dating this man. We really can't get along.

I got out of the taxi while Dean was paying for the ride. I get into the building and saw Celia talking with him. I really don't know if it was love at first sight but I felt something that I didn't felt for a very, very long time. I probably lapse into a vegetative state because when Dean came up and kissed me on the cheek, I had a fright.

Dean: "Shall we?"

I am curious. Who is that guy? We go up there, and I couldn't help but examine his face. Nice, thin lips and curly hair. Nothing like Dean's. He really was like a templet of art.

I go up there with the biggest smile I have and say: "Hey Celia!"

Celia with the most beautiful/nervous smile she have says: "Hi! How are you guys? I'm so glad you can make it!"

I hug her and say: "I wouldn't miss it, are you joking?"

She hugs me again.


After our warm hug ended Celia introduced me to him.

"Oh, I'm a dummy. Guys this Timothée, Timothée these are guys. Alex and Dean. Timothée is an actor and one of my childhood friends from Manhattan."

Dean and Timothée shake hands while Celia continiued:

"Alex is majoring Art History in Columbia."

He turns to me and says: "No way?" and we shake hands also.

I was smiling through the whole thing but his thin lips curled and made my smile shrink down into the ocean.

Our handshake lasted an awkwardly long amount of time but Celia, our lord and savior, broke the ice.

"Anyone want champagne?"


I couldn't help it. I couldn't focus on any paintings. The only art piece I was looking at was him. 

I didn't want the exhibition to end, but eventually we finished touring. We split up, and I tried to keep my little obsession behind there and live on.  But I couldn't.

- Hey Zayn here! Thank you so much for reading :)

I am really sorry if I have any grammar mistakes, I'm trilingual and English is my second language.

Lots of love.  

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