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"I'm nervous Al."

"Why though? You done this like a million times and if they don't pick you then it's their fault. They would miss a future Oscar winner."

He laughed.

"Maybe in 38 years."

He get up from the bed and went to the kitchen area.

''At least you still have hope. I have zero clue of what I am going to do after college."

I am finally at my final semester of college.

"Bagels?" he asked.

"You know me."

I went to bathroom. I am still living in my smelly studio apartment but without Gladys. She transferred to UC Berkeley because her parents moved to the West Coast. I miss her, her parents and matoke very sincerely.

I washed my face and went near Timmy.

"You still didn't tell me what this movie you are auditioning?"

"I'm not auditioning for it that's what terrifies me the most."

"Wait, what?"

"The director of the movie basically casts people of their personality."

"Wow, that's cool."

He gave me a nervous look.

"Look, there are trillion things that makes you, you. Just show how awesome you are, be real. It's not a new thing for you, right? Being real?"

He looked at me, it was like he just discovered his patronus or something.

"What? Was that a bad advice?" I asked.

"I love you." he said before he gave me a big hug and a sloppy kiss.


After the breakfast I tried not to be late to my Graphic Design class. Which I didn't so cudos for that.

Timothée's so called audition was around 12.00 P.M. and I couldn't focus to my class because of that.

This role was obviously very important to him, still don't know why though.

After my never-ending class, I immediately called him.

"How did it go?" I kinda yelled right after he answered the phone.

"I got it Alex! I will be playing the lead role! The director said he felt my ambition, sensitivity, intelligence, naivety and my artistry immediately. Imagine that said by a funny Italian accent."

"Lil' Timmy Tim I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you Alex."


"Ugh, sorry I promised my parents."

"Oh, no worries! Have fun love."

"Thank you." he said with a baby voice right before he hanged the line.

Still wondering what this role is, I went home because I was done for the day.


Since Interstellar his life didn't changed that much. But that movie effected our relationship.

He toured the world, going to world premieres of the movie and living the life basically. While I was here, alone.

We had the shortest though the hardest long distance relationship.

I knew that was not gonna stop. After another audition he will go to a different part of the world and after that an another different part to promote the movie.

I didn't want him to stop. I want him to get all of the roles he auditons to but I will be the one to always worry about our relationship.


I was cooking myself a veggie burger when my mom called.

"Hi momma!"

"Farrah, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine."

"How's everything?"

"My grades are fine, New York's fine, Timmy's fine also."

"Love, I need to ask you something  about Timmy?"

"Mom are you gonna ask me what I'm thinking."

"Farrah you know our situation."

"Mom I'm not ready yet."

"Farrah you are almost 21, you can-"

"Momma let's not discuss this right now, please?"

"Al Farrah Aspler you love me don't you?"


"Answer me!"

"Of course I love you."

"I am really sorry my sunshine."

Her voice was cracking.

"Can you hear what I'm saying? I am trying to convince my daughter to marry someone at the age of 20!"

"Mom, it's fine."

"No, it's not. I don't deserve you honey."

Someone was trying to get into the apartment. It was probably Timmy.

"Momma, I'll talk you later okay? I'm gonna visit you as soon as possible."

I hanged the phone.

Timmy entered the apartment.

"Hi!" he said with the biggest smile on his face.

He ran to grab me by my legs and and carry me to bed.

We made out for almost a minute but I remembered the veggie burgers.


I ran near microwave and got my  burnt veggie burgers immediately out of microwave.

I closed the microwave door and started laughing with Timmy.

I went next to him and he spooned me with his arms.

"So are you gonna tell me what this movie is called?" I asked.

He kissed me on the cheek and said: "Call Me By Your Name."

The Art and His Exhibition (Timothée Chalamet Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat