Part 5

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Suraj after warning chakor cames to a  underground club , there many people were dancing, drinking , making out and in background a girl was dancing on laila mein laila and giving suraj lustful looks but suraj ignore her and went to a dark room kind of place.
In that room suraj meet some guys(who look scary 😶😶), suraj tell them (suraj;they are heading towards Peru and in these papers their names also written, now fullfil your promise and leave those kids.
Alex(leader of those guys); suraj suraj my little boy , your work is still not done , you have to follow them to Peru and bring that treasure to me only then your work is fully done .
Suraj angrily;(but this is not deal , you said after I give information and in return you leave those children , they are already poor kids leave them, don't use them for your selfish reasons)
Alex while laughing evily; Suraj , I know you promise your slum people that you bring back their children but in return you can't give me anything, that's why I tell you to give me information about that treasure but still I don't have money , so if you gave me money I'll return you those children . Say can you give me that much money?
Suraj unwilling said yes to go on treasure hunt project to save those kids , Alex gave him passport and visa and tickets. Now only suraj can save those kids😢😢😢

After one day all(Ragini,chakor,suraj,laksh,sanskar and swara) heads to airport for the start of their journey.
On airport ragini and chakor waiting for laksh and sanskar and rakesh(swara) arrival(but chakor waiting to see suraj again😆😘😆😘)
Chakor asked; di I think we can not clear the security .
Ragini asked;why???
Chakor; because that laksh looks like he is a caveman. He toh look like total weirdo .
Ragini said; his looks doesn't matter to me what matters is how he can help. with that she saw on arrival side and saw laksh looking absolutely handsome(😎😎), ragini and chakor see him with open mouth😁😀
Laksh comes to them and greeted them; ladies good morning, so ready to go ?
Ragini closing her mouth(😁) said; yes but you know na where we have to go and all
Laksh said; madam , don't worry I am professional in my work . From now onwards you and your team safety is my responsibility ok.
Ragini nodded and sanskar also came , he said hi to everyone and after him swara came towards ragini(as she was send by those dangerous guys)
Swara said; Ragini right
Ragini said; yes and you?
Swara; I am swara actually rakesh send me on his place because he has some medical emergency, so accompany you guys on this mission.
Ragini confused; but he didn't tell this before , let me call him. Ragini call rakesh and after that she said ok you come with us☺.
Swara nodded and everyone clear the security and suraj also(as he following them secretly)
In flight sanskar said to swara;so you are going to be seated next to me miss.
Swara said; change the seat as I don't want to sit with any Male .
Sanskar said; but this is plane not bus where you can change seats, so you are trapped with me(in teasing way🤓)
Swara at the end sit with him.
Ragini, Chakor and laksh seated on opposite seats but suraj seated in other couch(that's why chakor misses him badly😉😉😉)

Hello guys thank you for giving beautiful comments on previous part and I got 301 viewers . Andchakor01 thanks for your cute comments😄😄
Please read, comment and vote😊😊and ignore my mistakes😊😊😊

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