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the next day, i saw the blonde boy with pretty blue eyes talking to calum and michael. i knew that any chance of me being friends with him was over; it was malum for christ sakes.

so, i took my mind of the boy and focused; maybe i would actually get a good grade today.

● ● ●

"hey! ashton!" i whipped around, seeing a flustered luke behind me. how long had he been running?

he caught his breath, "i was wondering if you could come over to help me study? starting in the middle of a semester isn't fun."

i nodded a yes and texted my mom, telling her i was going to luke's.

"i'm going to the hemmings house, be back later<3"

"use a condom !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


and it ended.

● ● ●

luke's house was way bigger then the outside let on.

"let's go to my room."

i nodded yes and we made our way up the big stairs. it was so open.

the blonde boy with pretty blue eyes stopped abruptly on the stairs.

"i just realized that it's going to be hard to study when you don't talk."

i flushed, but luke didn't see that.

he sighed and we continued, making it to his room 3,000 years later. okay, that was an exaggeration.

"how about instead of studying, we play lego lord of the rings?"

and i nodded my head, because lego lord of the rings was my favorite game.

● ● ●

"just jump!"

i jumped.

"now press 'o'!"

i pressed '0'.

luke fist pumped the air because we finished the level. maybe it was the way he was smiling or the way his hair had fallen down from his perfect quiff but i used my voice for the first time in years.

"you're beautiful, too."


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hold on ↬ lashton((rewriting))Where stories live. Discover now