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dedication: MikeyExpression

"it's almost christmas," i muttered.

"i know," luke sighs, "i got you the best present."

"y-you did?" i felt bad, i didn't even think about getting luke a present.

"yeah, you're going to love it," and by the way he smiled, i could tell i was going to love it.

● ● ●

"hey ashton?"

"yeah?" i questioned.

"i'm so proud of you," luke smiled.

"w-what do you mean?"

"well, when we first met, you never talked to me. and then, when you did, you always stuttered, which was cute, honestly. and now, we can have full conversations. and i don't know, that makes me so happy. because the boy that lights up my life can talk to me," luke blushed wildy.



"i-i really," my throat closed up; it's like my body didn't want me to say the words.

luke hugged me tightly, whispering, "it's okay, you don't have to say it. just know, i like you, too."

● ● ●

cuddling with luke made me happy. knowing luke liked me made me happy. knowing luke just made me happy. luke made me happy.

me and luke were cuddling on his bed, it was late. really late.

"you make me so fûcking happy," i mumbled. i was half asleep, i wouldn't remember this in the morning.

luke shot me a questioningly glance before asking, "do i?"

"yeah, you do. just seeing you makes me happy. i'm so glad i met you, luke. otherwise, i probably would have gone through with the suicidē attempt."

i could feel luke's tears dripping down onto me, and i started crying, too. because seeing luke sad broke my heart.

pretty soon we were a pile of tears and tangled body limbs. and neither of us were letting go anytime soon.



hold on ↬ lashton((rewriting))Where stories live. Discover now