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he shot his head towards me, a smirk prominent on his face.

"what'd you say?" he looked intrigued.

"u-um nothin-g," my voice sounded weird, different from the last time i used it.

i don't know why i had used my voice for a stupid blonde boy with pretty blue eyes.

"no, you said something," his smirk had turned into a wide smile. it was beautiful, just like him.

"hey, ashton?"

i looked up.

"can, you know, since you already used your voice, could you, maybe, start talking to me?" he was nervous because of me. only me.


he took my sweaty hand in his, and my heart leaped. because the blonde boy with pretty blue eyes was holding my hand.

● ● ●

luke sat with me at lunch the next day. he also brought michael and calum, which made me nervous, because i've wanted to be their friend since before they started dating. and that was a long time ago.

"so, ashton," michael spoke and my head shot up, "not to be rude, because i know you get this question a lot, but do you talk?"

i could tell that calum had jabbed michael in the ribs.

they all looked at me expectantly and i just shrugged, then all of them turned their attention back into a real conversation that i couldn't hold.

i was sad that luke liked michael and calum more than me, but then he grabbed my hand under the table and i knew that the blonde boy with blue eyes was trying, for me.

● ● ●

"d-do you wanna come ove-r?" i hated my stutter.

that wide smile spread across his beautiful features and he nodded. and i was excited.

on the way back to my house i had this feeling of want, a want to grab his hands and kiss his nose. i pushed this away. because he was only a blonde boy with pretty blue eyes who, occasionally, held my hand.


this chapter is so cute to me

hold on ↬ lashton((rewriting))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora