Why Me?

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After I got out of the shower I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a messy bun. I cheeked my phone I had a message from Crystal it was from an hour ago little late to reply now. I went into my closet and began to dig around ah there it is. My cheer uniform. That's right even a nerd is doing cheer this season. I'm so light and small they want me to be a flyer I'm pretty excited.

Then I heard my door open I turned to see someone that scares me more than anyone. My father. " Why where you home an hour late and who drove you here!? It best not be a boyfriend or your in deep shit!" That being said I began to think of what to say. WHAM! he socked me. I began to cry. He laughed a low devilish laugh " Your such a stupid little girl!" I looked up at him tears running down my face. " Maybe I would be smart if you didn't hit me so much!" He was now enraged. " You will not tell me what I should and shouldn't do! you hears me!" He threw his glass bottle at the wall and stormed out slamming the door.

I grabbed up the pieces and threw them away. I picked one up and walked into the bathroom. I took my jacket off I looked at myself in the mirror and whisper " I really hat my life why can't I just be like Jenna pretty, popular, and with Taylor." I thought about that then I got angry and depressed I grabbed the shard of glass. I began to cut my arms. I know what some of you are thinking cutting your self is stupid well its not its the only way to keep my mind under control and get the paint o go away. Next thing you know blood is dripping to the sink I watched as it did so.

I heard a knock at the door " Um hello?" That voice it was Taylors! " Go away!" I yelled. How the crap did he get in? My dad must be asleep and my mom let him in. " Monica let me in there's blood on the floor and shards or glass open the door!" How could I be so stupid to leave that out there! " No go away let me die!" He busted the door open. He knocked the glass out of my hand. Then tried to see what I have in my other hand I had my hand tight around the objects.

He began to pry my hand open he quickly knocked the pills out of my hand then he picked me up and laid me down on my bed. " Please lock the door in case my dad wakes up." He did so then walked over to me. Oh dear lord he took his shirt off and wrapped it around my bleeding arm. " Ok one how did you get in my house and why? Two why are you even here?" He kept looking at my arm.

" Your mom let me in also you forgot your binder in first period." We went quiet. " Now I have questions."

*Taylors POV*

" Now I have some questions." She nodded I was tearing up because she was crying. " One why do you do this? Two Why would you ever want to kill your self? Three why do you have a huge bruise on your face that wasn't there earlier you also have on your wrists why?" She looked at me she had been looking at the floor for awhile now " One I'm bullied and worthless. Two I hate my life. Three my dad... He... He beats me and he grabbed my wrists the other day when I tried to hit him back." She began to cry again.

I had her put her head on my shoulder. Just then I was if you ask me pretty good at singing I began to sing the song ' Baby Don't Cut' She cried on my shoulder while I sang. After I did she pulled away put still in my arms I couldn't help myself I leaned in and kissed her. She pulled away " Aren't you Dating Jenna?" She looked confused. " No I broke up with her that's another reason why I came here I wanted to say I-." She looked at me. " You what?" I looked into her watery yet beautiful eyes and said " I love you."

She began to smile and said " I love you too."  We smiled into another kiss. " Oh gosh you have to leave before my dad wakes up!" She said in a whisper yell type way. I nodded I began to head out her door then I turned and said " No I want the shard of glass before I leave." She looked at me in shook " No way in hell." I gave her a dead serious look " I care about you and don't want you doing this give me the glass." She looked me in the eye and firmly said " No now go before my dad wakes up and kills us both." I had never thought of that what will happen if I left her here? oh gosh I'll think about this all tonight its a lot to think about. Before I walked out the door I said " Hey Monica. " "Yes Taylor?" " I love you goodnight." I looked back her face was a bright red " I love you too she said.

I walked out and got into my car I broke out in tears right there I can't believe she was living this way shes being abused and bullied. I was going to do all I can to stop the bullying but what I'm stuck on is why doesn't she just call the cops on her father? I don't know but I will find out soon enough.

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