High All The Time

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Okay so we've been in the Hospital and so far Taylor is going to live i was in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to come tell me how he was doing. If he dies i will never forgive myself. I sat there waiting staring at the clock. If he doesn't make it out of this then I don't want to make my life happy. I will sit around and do nothing i'll be completely broken. 

I sat there staring at the clock my eyes looking lifeless me looking like a crazy person. I was going crazy I don't want Taylor to die. I had so many things on my mind the biggest was Taylor might die and its all my fault but also, do i love him? I don't know but i was waiting to fine out if he was going to live i would ask him then.

The doctor finally walked in " Taylor's going to be Okay as far as we know but he has requested that you uh.. That you leave he doesn't want you here." I was shocked. " Did he say why?" The doctor nodded. " He said something about not wanting someone who he doesn't love here." My heart broke as he said that. I just kinda nodded then rushed out of there before i caused a scene. I wanted to cry but instead i decided to hang with some people that would help me threw this.

I drove away and i arrived at a bar There i was met by Jake and Justin. We hugged and walked in we started taking shots and getting really drunk. I was having fun and then i hear jake call my name " Monica! Come here!" I came we walked into a room. There Justin, Jake, and i got high. We where high and drunk. I loved it Taylor wasn't on my mind and i was having fun.

" Justin." I said my words slurred. " Yeah?" I rubbed my hand on his face. What can i say i was drunk " Can i go home with you I don't want to go home alone again I need someone with me."  Justin nodded and walked away. " Where are you going?" i asked a retarded look on my face. " I have to talk to Jake real quick." I nodded and drank some more. I really needed this to keep Taylor and Harry off my mind other wise i would go crazy.

* Justins POV*

" Dude she wants me to go home with her you know what that means right?!" I yelped at Jake. " High five man!" He yelped back. We have both liked Monica for awhile but where to embarrassed to say anything we wanted to fit in with everyone else so we made fun of her. I was finally going to see what she had and i couldn't wait.

* Jake's POV*

I may have high fived him but this is wrong so wrong. He shouldn't want to take her home just to get in her pants its not right. I was to afraid to say anything so i just held my silence ans they walked out of the club together.

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