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Everyone in the group looked related—they were brothers and sisters—that was obvious.

There was a boy that was younger than me. He had black hair and his face was dusted with freckles. He was wearing a long sleeved blue shirt.

There was a girl who look a bit older than the boy. She had on a light purple dress and a bow in her hand. She had a similar complexion to the younger boy.

Then there was the tallest one—probably the oldest. He had light brown hair that reminded me of...that reminded me of...Peter's hair.

He had a girl in his arms. She was definitely the youngest. She had on a red dress and she had light brown hair stopping at her collar bone.

I hadn't realized that my wand was in plain sight. I saw the tallest one looking at it. I put it in my back pocket and I gave him a glare to make him stop. The youngest one that was in his grasp pulled away.

"Hello." She smiled at me. "I'm Lucy Pevensie." She said.

I couldn't totally be mean to them. I sighed and walked over to them. I could see the oldest one studying me over—trying to figure me out. I've started to notice things that I never did before...before it happened. I haven't talked as much and it's made me become more observant. Mostly the things I see always bring back a memory or two. I had reached them and I got a closer look at them. Up close, they definitely looked related.

"I'm Susan." The girl in the purple dress said to me.

The oldest one turned and looked at her. I smiled slightly. Guess he thought I was going to be a problem.

"I'm Edmund." The youngest boy said. I smiled at him.

I turned to the oldest one and he looked uncertain. I waited for him to introduce himself.

"Who are you?" He asked me.

"I'm Percy." I said.


My heart stopped.

"I'm Peter." I heard his laughter echoing in my mind.

He had his name. He had his beautiful name.

And I hated him for it. I hated him.

I looked away from him to try to calm myself down. "Where exactly am I?" I said as I tried to distract myself.

"You're in Narnia." Lucy said.

"Where?" I said. I had never heard of a place by that name before.

"How did you get here?" Edmund asked me.

"'s kind of weird." I said, remembering what had happened.

"It's all right." Lucy smiled at me.

"Um, well...uh...the room kind of disappeared." I said, sounding like a lunatic.

All four of them exchanged looks.

"That's exactly how we got here..." Susan trailed off.

"Are we gonna stand here all day or are we gonna get moving?" Someone said. They all turned and a...well, I wasn't exactly sure what he was. I had heard of dwarves being around in Hogwarts, but I had never seen one before. Maybe he was one. I wasn't sure. "What are you lookin' at?" He aimed his words at me.

"Well, do you want to come with us?" Lucy asked me. "We could help you get back home." She smiled.

Maybe going with them wouldn't be such a bad idea. I guess they could help me since they've been here before. It would be better than finding a way out by myself.

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