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"We're going to invade the Telmarine castle. Tonight."

"Tonight?" Percy stood up. "You think you could get a plan together in time?"

"I'm sure we could."

"Okay," Percy paused. He looked down at the ground. I could tell there was something on his mind. He looked at me. "Let's go talk it through with the others."

I crossed my arms, not believing what I was hearing. "Wait," I scoffed. "You think you're coming with us?"

Percy knit his brows. "Yeah, I assumed I was going."

"No. You're not."

He rolled his eyes. "Really?"


"No, no. I thought you'd be done with this whole thing of treating me like I'm made of glass, or something, but," Percy scoffed. "Apparently not. Listen, I don't need some guy that I barely know calling the shots for what I can and can't do!"

"I don't think you understand that you physically cannot do this."

"Of course I can."

I still couldn't believe it. After what happened with him when he dueled with Edmund, there was no way I was letting him go with us.

"Remember the duel that you and Edmund had a few days ago?" I reminded him. "You know, the one where you almost died? Imagine fighting with hundreds of other soldiers, nonstop, not being able to take a break. How would you feel then? Would you be able to take it?"

He looked me in the eyes. "Definitely." His voice didn't waver.

"Hey!" Edmund yelled at us. "Are you coming or not?"

"Say whatever you want." Percy held his hands up. "I'm still pretty confident with my decision." He took a few steps back and turned around.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

He turned to look at me. "Oh, I've had enough time dealing with battle plans. I'll leave that part up to you guys. Run it by me when you're done." He grinned. "Besides, I've gotta find out where the battle armor's at." He turned back around and continued walking towards a group of satyrs carrying armloads of swords.

"Peter!" Edmund yelled.

I groaned. Either Percy didn't understand exactly how unhealthy he was, or he was just stupid.


The sun was setting as we were getting ready to leave. Most of the Narnians were already making their way to the castle.

Edmund and Caspian were nearly finished with putting on their armor. Susan was checking some of the Narnians' weapons before they left. Lucy was standing behind me, watching everyone silently.

It took us a couple of hours to finally figure out our plan, which was mainly listening to Caspian talk. It gave me a headache. Obviously he knew the castle better than anyone, so I had to let him lead. Which, in my opinion, didn't feel like the best idea. Had he ever led an army before?

I shook my head, blocking that thought.

I looked around, trying to find Percy. I didn't know if he was really coming with us or not. Maybe he'd gotten some sense knocked into him and had decided not to. Maybe he actually listened to me for once.

Suddenly, I felt someone standing beside me. I looked in disbelief. Percy was holding a sword in his hand. He was adjusting the black vest that he was wearing, which was too big for him.

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