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Time passed incredibly slow as I paced back and forth outside of the room that Percy was in.

"Will you sit down?" Edmund had his eyes closed as he leaned against the wall. "Your pacing is getting annoying."

I stopped and glared at him.

"Hey," Edmund protested. "I'm not the one who's about to have an anxiety attack. Just calm down."

"I can't help it." I told him. "I'm just—" I stopped myself before I could say something I'd regret.

"Why don't you go in there?" He suggested. "He might be awake."

Geez, Edmund, why did you think I was freaking out in the first place? Yeah, I was mad at Percy. I didn't know what he was trying to prove by coming with us. But when I was around him, that feeling that I was trying so hard to hide, it was always more difficult. I could deny it when I'm alone, but with him, it was all I could think about.

I walked to the entrance of the room and looked inside to see if Percy was awake. He was, but he was trying to get up. I watched as he pushed himself upright to sit up. It took him a minute, but he did it. His arms were trembling as he leaned against the wall.

The blanket fell onto the bed, and he shivered. Without it, I saw the bandages that covered his torso. But I was taken aback when I saw the scars that covered him, too. I wasn't surprised. As skilled of a swordsman he was, there were battle scars that came with it. At least that's what I thought at first glance. But the longer I looked at them, the more they didn't even look like cuts from a sword. I couldn't describe it. And there were too many of them to just be from a sword. Maybe they were from someone that was like him—a wizard. Some kind of spell, maybe. It was the only explanation.

Percy sighed. I thought that he just wanted to sit up. But, of course, that wasn't his goal. He lifted the blanket off his legs and sat on the edge of the bed. He was trying to get up.

Yeah, that wasn't happening anytime soon.

I stepped into the room. "What are you doing?"

He sighed. "Well, I was trying to get up, so—"

"No." I said firmly.

Percy rolled his eyes. "Okay, then."

"You need to rest." I knew that was all anyone was telling him. But it was the truth. He couldn't stand up, at least not on his own.

Since I was closer to him, I had almost forgotten about his bandages. I couldn't remember if anyone had replaced them. I looked around and found the supplies that the Narnians gave to us, which were at the foot of Percy's bed. I grabbed the bag and set it on the bed.

Percy laughed. "Uh, no."

"Susan went with a few Narnians to look for more supplies." I told him. "She won't be back for a while."

Percy glared at me.

"When was the last time anyone changed them?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Last night, maybe? I can't remember."

I sat down on the bed next to him. "Well, the sun's about to set, so you definitely need new ones."

I took out the bandages and the medicine. Percy sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"You know, why don't we just wait for Susan?" He mumbled.

"No. we're not waiting for Susan. This can't wait, I'm sorry." I knew he was uncomfortable with it, I didn't want him to be. But I was worried that if we were to wait, it'd just make his wounds worse.

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