Ghost Of You

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I scanned the forest, seeing if there were any animals around. The forest was empty. It was quiet. I sighed and leaned my head back against the tree. I glanced back at the others and they were lying down except him. He was sitting next to Susan, staring out into the forest. It had been at least an hour since everyone else went to sleep. Why was he staying up?

I continued to look at the trees. I felt my eyes slowly closing. I was falling asleep. I snapped my eyes open and quickly sat up. I was not falling asleep. I rubbed my eyes and sighed.

Please, not fall asleep, I told myself.

I leaned back against the tree and grabbed the bracelet that was on my wrist. I felt the soft threads and it made me relax. My eyes were getting harder and harder to keep open. I felt my body relax. Before I could stop them, my eyes closed.

I was back in that day.

I sobbed into Embry's chest, begging for him to come back to me. But his body disappeared from my arms.

I saw Peter's body slowly falling to the ground. I ran as fast as I could and caught him before he hit the ground.

"Peter." I whispered.

I was too late. I was too late for both of them.

"Beautiful..." I heard Embry's voice fade away.

I opened my eyes. Tears fell down my face. My chest tightened. I wrapped my arms around my torso to keep myself from falling apart. I put my head down and sighed. I shut my eyes tightly. I wasn't going to fall apart. Not tonight. I wiped the tears away and lifted my head.

I looked behind me and he was still awake.

"Hey." I said to him. He looked at me. "I can stay up the rest of the night." I told him.

"I'm not going to sleep." He said.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't—" he stopped and glanced up at me. "I just don't want to let my guard down when you're around." He said to me.

I looked back out into the trees. It was so still, so dark. It was was peaceful.

• • •

Morning quickly arrived. The others woke up slowly.

"Come on," Trumpkin said. "We should've already left to the ford by now."

We started the walk with a late start. I wondered where exactly Narnia was. Was it in Europe? I remembered the way I got here. This place had magic, there was no other explanation.

When we reached the ford, we heard men shouting. We hid behind a wood pile and there was construction going on. There were men building a bridge to cross the river. Were these men the Telmarines Edmund was talking about? We heard a horse nicker to our left and we ducked down as a man passed.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all." I heard Susan whisper to him.

He quickly went back into the forest and we followed.

"We're out of options." He said to us.

"No," Lucy said. "We're not."

"Lucy, I don't think—"

"Come on, Peter. We don't really have another choice. Please."

He looked at the rest of us then turned back to Lucy.

"Okay," he sighed. "Okay, we'll try it. We'll turn around and go back to the gorge."

She smiled at him and we started the walk. Again.

I didn't know how long we walked until he stopped abruptly. He outstretched his arm to tell us to stop. We were at the bottom of a stone cliff and we put our backs against it.

He peeked around the edge of the wall and I knew he saw something. He looked back at Edmund and motioned to come over to him. Edmund quietly walked to him and looked in the direction he was pointing.

Edmund looked at him and looked back at whatever they saw. Edmund looked at me and motioned for me to come over there. I quietly walked over next to Edmund. He pointed in front of him.

I looked forward and I saw someone wearing a long, black cloak. Their back was to us so I couldn't see their face. But their hair was long and it looked like the color of...Draco's hair. They were slowly walking around, as if they were looking for something.

The person slightly turned to their left. I still couldn't see their face, but something did catch me off guard. This person was holding a wand. My stomach was turning nervously.

"What's he holding?" Edmund said quietly.

"It looks exactly like what you were holding when we met you, Percy." The older one said softly. I turned to him and he was staring at me.

I turned back to the stranger. He was walking around slowly.

How did another wizard get into Narnia?

Wait a minute.

A wizard. Hair the color of Draco' it couldn't be.

"Jackson." The wizard said.

The sound of his voice made my chest ache. Chills ran down my spine. I felt like I wasn't getting enough air into my lungs. I felt someone's hands on my shoulders. It was Edmund. He quickly put me against the wall. He was saying something to me, but I couldn't hear him.

I was terrified.

I knew who it was.

It was Lucius Malfoy.



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