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THE HIPPIE" i belong somewhere else

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" i belong somewhere else. anywhere but here. "


"Peace man!" "Peace and love smelly hippie!"
A group of boys yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore them. I was used to this. It was almost a daily routine. Almost everyone in Tulsa looked down at hippies. Smelly, stupid, stoned, dumb, I had heard it all.

"What? Are you mad? Did someone not get their daily smoke today?" They went on as they followed me. "Oh sorry, it's LSD right?"

"Leave me alone will ya?" I snapped, turning around sharply. They were greasers from my school. I recognized one of them, Ponyboy Curtis. I hadn't known much about him recently, just that two of his friends had been killed last year. We used to be real good friends, when we were younger. I was close with his brothers too. We all were, be people change. But I could never imagine what I would do if something like that happened to me. Lots of kids got killed around here. Our neighborhood was rough, divided by Socs and Greasers. Most kids I knew were greasers, barely anyone was a hippie like me, except for M&M. Most of the hippies I knew lived together in abandoned houses away from the greaser and soc drama. We didn't want to get involved in that, yet we were the ones who would get jumped and beat to a pulp, most usually by boys like the one right in front of me.

Ponyboy wasn't like them. I knew he wasn't. Why such a nice boy was running around with dirt like this, I had no idea.

"Or what?" One of the boys sneered. He looked about my age. My fear grew as he pulled out his switchblade.

"Hey leave her alone c'mon Curly" Pony spoke up. "Yeah let's just get outta here." another one added. I later learned his name was Bryon.

I looked up at them in shock. They would never stand up for me, why had they now? The boy with the switchblade spit at me and the rest started to walk away.

"Hey thanks." I said, managing to catch Pony as he walked away.

"Don't worry bout it. Curly can be a little rough sometimes." He gave me a soft smile. I turned to the other boy he was with.


"Bryon. My names Bryon." He finished. I gave him and Ponyboy a smile.

"We'll see you around." He said as he and Pony walked away.

I sighed. They were kind to me, and that was hard to find nowadays. But I would never understand why people hated others just because they were different. All I wanted was peace, why did I seem to attract so much hate?

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