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" time flies by, and then you are yourself again. "

We had been driving forever, but I felt as free as ever. We had no idea where we were going, but we didn't care.

The week had been a long one. We all missed Penny. When Zoe, Mila, and Liv came back, I had to explain to them why I was alone, and why Penny had just left. I expected Zoe to be angry, but she was just quiet. We all were. I think we all had a soft spot for that girl. Things just weren't the same without her.

Sometimes, even the bright ones are consumed by darkness, I remember Zoe telling me. I felt like that explained Penny perfectly. Zoe was a real poet, she just didn't look like one. I guess that's why no one listened. But I did. I always did.

She just needed to get away for a while. I know she's smiling right now. I hope she is, Liv had said that night. I knew her mind was racing for an explanation to why she hadn't see how broken Penny was. None of us had really noticed. To us, Penny would always be Penny. Happy, carefree Penny.

But now we were having the time of our lives. Remembering Penny, and Leah, but still living.

I was still living, even with Bryon, and Pony, and my brother at the back of my mind, I was still living.

I leaned my head out the window, feeling the breeze through my hair as Liv drove down the long freeway. We all took turns driving, since it was a long drive. Right now, Zoe and Mila were in the backseat, probably making out, while I looked for our exit.

The night Penny had left, we all were quiet. Losing friends wasn't easy. We decided we might as well leave too.

We all packed up what we needed, but we agreed to take as little as possible.

I tried to clear out my van, but I couldn't bear to part with anything that reminded me of my old life. I don't know why, but I just couldn't. No matter how much time I spent away from it, not matter how hard I tried to forget, I couldn't let go. It seemed like I never would be able to.

I remember Liv asking me what all this stuff was from when she offered to help me make some space. She told me I looked happy in the polaroids. She told me I looked happy next to my friends. I told her I was, but things change. She nodded slowly as if she understood, and maybe she did. She didn't ask again

"Where we at Del?" Liv's voice brought me out of my trance. I looked around quickly for a sign telling us where we were.

"Almost at the coast." I told her as we passed a sign that said 'beach ahead'.

"Hey maybe we should go swimming tomorrow, it's getting kinda late don't you think?" Zoe asked us.

I hadn't even realized, but it was getting late. The sky was already a little dark even though the sun was setting.

"Yeah, we'll just park at the beach and call it a day."

After a little more driving, we finally arrived at the beach. I jumped out of my van quickly. I had never been to the beach before.

The sky was already dark by now, and the beach was abandoned, probably because of how late it was.

The waves rolled over and splashed as the reflection of the moon shone over it. It was beautiful. Eerily beautiful.

"Hey Del, come on we can swim tomorrow." Liv came up to me from behind.

We walked over to the van, but Zoe and Mila weren't there.

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