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" and till the end, you're my very best friend. "

I walked to my best friends house, Jessie Timmons. We had been best friends ever since I could remember. She had always accepted me, even if I was a "dirty hippie." She was the only reason I even liked this small minded town. If it wasn't for her I bet I would have left this place if I ever had the chance.

"Hey Del!" she yelled from her front porch. I waved at her. If I had to describe her in only one word, it would be lively. She was so full of life, with her dancing dark blue eyes and her dirty blonde hair. We were the complete opposite. She wanted to go to every party, but I found joy in just watching the stars. She could get any boy she laid her eyes on, but I just didn't get the point of a guy who would probably leave you the second got hard. We had completely different views on the world, but somehow we understood each other perfectly. I was so lucky to have her. She was my family. I mean I had a family, they just didn't want me. The whole hippie thing again.

The only one in my family who really loved me was my brother. I knew it was only because he was young, he hadn't been exposed to the world yet. He was only eight. He loved me for me, not knowing the difference between a greaser, a hippie, or a soc. I enjoyed it while I could, because I knew once he grew older, the world would poison him, and I would become a dirty hippie once again.

"Sooo, how bout Buck's party tonight?" Lily looked up at me, pleading. I groaned. She knew I hated Buck. Buck was friends with all Curly's gang, and I wasn't itching to see them after what happened. I looked back up at her and sighed.

"The things I do for you..." I replied, unhappy.
"We should get ready!" Jessie jumped up, pulling me into her house. "C'mon! Some of our friends might be there!"

Our friends. I thought of M&M. M&M was one of the few hippies who lived in Tulsa, not in the hippie houses like the others I knew. He was like me, looked down on and judged by his family.

"Alright..." I said as she dragged me away. M&M.
I hadn't seen him in a while.

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