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Mars :~) ;
Hey stranger haven't talked
To you in a whileeee !!!

Jacky fatty ;
Oh yeah hey ahahha

Mars :~) ;
So how has life been ?!

Jacky fatty ;
Life's been GREAT
I got a girlfriend !!!
Her name is Ellie and
She's the cutest fucking thing
Ever and we're going on a date
This Friday and I am so fucking
Excited ahhhh

Mars :~) ;
Ohhh that's cool ahahah
I am so happy for you jack !!

Jacky fatty ;
So what's going on With
You and your crush !?

Mars :~) ;
Things didn't go well at all
He turned out to be a
Complete douche :~(

Jacky fatty ;
Aw Mars that sucks
I'm so sorry hopefully
You'll find someone

Mars :~) ;
Actually I kinda already did ...

Jacky fatty ;
Wow that fast
You're a hoe !! Lmfao

Mars ;
I mean
If that's what ya wanna call me then
Okay I guess , just because I find comfort
In someone a couple days after someone
That I thought I loved breaks my heart
I'm a hoe ,right ? ahahah

Jacky fatty ;
No sorry i was just kidding
Ya know we're friends I thought
We could joke but I mean I guess
I'm just sorry ok

Mars :~) ;
Yeah whatever talk to you later

Fallingforyou - Jack Dylan Grazer Where stories live. Discover now