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The rest of the night was pretty crazy. While jack and I were on the balcony , Dani and Wyatt ordered room service and then we watched a movie. After we finished the movie, we all went into the pool, even though it was Almost 3 am and stayed there until 5.

It was a very fun night. I'm so glad Jack and I are friends again. Hanging out with him is so fun, Half of the time he was texting Ellie but it's okay I understand he's in love and she's his number one priority. It's very cute.

Jack ended up staying the night. Wyatt and Dani had already fallen asleep on one bed so that meant jack and I would have to share a bed. He insisted that he could sleep on the floor but I told him no and then said that I would. Of course he didn't let me so after minutes of arguing we decided that we would both sleep on the bed but we'd keep our distance.

The morning came around and we all decided to check out of the hotel and go get some breakfast.

We went to ihop and sat in a booth, jack and I on one side and Dani and Wyatt on the other. I ordered coffee because I was barely even alive with only 3 hours of sleep.

At around 11:30 we had finished eating and it was finally time to leave. We all got in Dani's car and we drove off. I was in the back seat sitting next to Jack while Wyatt was in the passenger seat talking with Dani. I was still very tired so I decided to lay my head on Jacks shoulder and He laid his head next to mine as i slowly fell asleep.

I was woken up by jack shaking me lightly. Bye Mars , he said as he hugged me.
"Bye jack" I said as he was getting out of the car.

Fallingforyou - Jack Dylan Grazer Where stories live. Discover now