-| introduction |-

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Scott Harrow was sitting on the floor in a corridor of the castle, spinning the rose Crystal had given him the night before in his hand and wondering if he'd made the right choice.

But he knew he hadn't and was worried sick about her. He didn't know where she was, and that was probably somewhere all alone dressed up all fancy and unarmed. He figured that all the blood on her dress would keep most people away from her.

Scott decided he wouldn't wait around doing nothing, so he got up and started looking for Daniel.

He was in the throne room, talking to some guards.

"We need to talk.", he said, storming towards the king.

"Not now.", Daniel waved him away.

"No, right now.", Scott growled, glaring at him.

The king glared back at him then told the guards to leave. "What do you want?"

"First of all, you're looking pretty well for a guy who just watched his son die and daughter disappear in thin air.", Scott crossed his arms.

"Being king requires keeping yourself under control."

"But I wouldn't know, would I? I should have listened to Phoebe.", Scott ran a hand through his hair.

"You mean your sister?"

"Yeah, I mean my sister! Not all of us have a rocky relationship with our siblings!"

"Watch your mouth!"

"Why? What will you do to me? Your brother's already done enough! I don't suppose you have my father hiding somewhere in here!", Scott yelled at him. "I'm going to go find Crystal, but don't expect to hear from me. If you want your daughter, go find her yourself. I'm done being your puppet."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the hell your daughter and I went through to get here!", Scott snapped. "Or did you not hear a word I said last night?"


"Forget it, Dan.", Scott told him and left the palace.

He returned to the inn, where he found Ash waiting outside. He gave the horse a sad look.

"Sorry, buddy. I don't know where she is.", he told him. The horse seemed to be glaring at him. "Wait, I'll be back in a bit...", he sighed.

The innkeeper looked at him curiously as he walked inside. Scott shook his head and went upstairs to the room he was supposed to be sharing with Crystal.

A small part of him hoped to see her there, waiting for him, but he knew better.

The room was empty, with the only sign of Crystal ever staying there being her things, occupying most of her bed and half the closet.

His face fell and he started getting his stuff, then Crystal's too.

He then carried the luggage downstairs, paid the innkeeper and loaded everything on Ash.

"What do you say? Ready to go find her?", Scott asked the horse, which seemed to whiny in agreement.

He mounted him and rode off.


Caroline sat cross-legged on her bed, crying with her face buried in her hands, until the sun rose high enough for her to have enough light. She looked up and got out of bed, approaching the vanity.

She opened a drawer and rummaged through it until she found a pair of scissors. She brought it up and started cutting her hair off.

Crystal Hearts • Book 2 Of The Crystal Trilogy • ⏸Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang