-| 18 / a deadly game |-

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"It's really simple, to be honest.", Nike started, ignoring Alex and Scott's glares. "You two have to search for the redhead in the woods. If you find her, good for you! But be careful, because there are a couple of illusions here and there. Oh! And right choices. Make the right choice or you're probably going to die too."

"You need to redefine simple.", Scott grumbled.

"What about my mom?", Alex got up.

"Okay, okay! I'll get her to a healer nearby! She's not a part of the deal, anyway. Are you in on the game or not?", Nike asked eagerly.

"We don't have much of a choice, do we?", Scott sighed again.

"We're in.", Alex added. Nike smirked and the landscape started shifting.

"What the...", Scott exclaimed, stumbling.

"Good luck, kiddos. You're going to need it.", Nike walked away, unfazed.

When things went back to normal, it was daytime. Not long time passed, it couldn't have been more than a few seconds, but the sun had risen when the forest stopped playing tricks on the two boys. Lux and Nike were gone, and they were left alone to pursue their quest of finding Crystal.

"Did things like this use to happen to you a lot? When you and Crystie were traveling on your own, I mean.", Alex asked Scott.

"Sort of? I mean, that one time some dude stabbed her and I had to take her to a healer. The healer poisoned her and threatened to turn us in to Alastor.", Scott shrugged.

"How did you get away from her?"

"Crystal woke up and almost caused a freaking hurricane inside the house. Fun times..."

"She was having nightmares, you know. All month. Every single night, she was screaming, crying and tossing and turning in her sleep, until you came."

They didn't say anything else after that, because another moving bush caught their attention. Holding their breaths, they approached the plant quietly and looked over it.

Alex chuckled nervously, dropping his hands on his thighs. "It's just a little girl.", he said, pointing at the small red-headed child that was playing with a doll.

"The crazy woman said there would be illusions. I can't be the only one wondering why a little girl would be alone, in the middle of the woods, paying with her doll and hiding behind a bush!", Scott whispered at him, nervously glancing at the kid.

"I can hear you, you know.", the little girl looked up, smirking. When they saw her face, the two boys' jaws dropped.

"Princess?", Scott tilted his head in confusion.

"Nope.", the girl smirked and went back to brushing the doll's hair.

"That's creepy.", Alex muttered at Scott.

"And you only just realised that?", Scott mumbled in reply.

"I don't think that's Crystie."

"Oh, really?", Scott rolled his eyes.

"She's still a little girl! We should ask if she needs any help!", Alex told him.

"We're so going to regret this...", Scott sighed and nudged Alex with his elbow to go ahead.

He kneeled by the child and smiled at her. "What's your name?"

"Names don't matter here. We're all lost.", she sighed solemnly and set her doll down.

"Where are your parents? Do you want any help?", he asked again, trying to ignore her terrifying statement.

"Nah, I'm good. You two on the other hand...", she smirked. Alex and Scott exchanged a worried glance.

Crystal Hearts • Book 2 Of The Crystal Trilogy • ⏸Where stories live. Discover now