Heheheheh. O(=>.<=)O

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Hey guys.

It's been so long I know. 😭

So I was really bored today. And then I thought I hadn't drawn for a while. But I wasn't really in the mood to sit three hours straight to draw something.

So I thought I'll just draw something small and see how it goes.

Lemme tell you I was drawing on them post-it notes with pen, something I rarely do cuz I have the habit of filing the drawings that turn our good. But it was just the first thing I got in my hands.

The pen is another story. I never use a pen to draw cuz I mess up all the time. I cannot live without an eraser when it comes to drawing. But then again, it was the first thing I got on my hands.

I also suck at drawing OCs. They never come out right, with only one or two exceptions. And that's AFTER erasing it a million times.

So imagine my surprise when I was able to draw an OC I was actually satisfied with.

I thought I'd share it with you guys.

But I wasn't able to draw clothes on her, cuz I cannot even

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But I wasn't able to draw clothes on her, cuz I cannot even. How do they draw all those damn folds and make it look good?


Please give me your opinions though and if there are any artists out there, constructive criticism would be appreciated. 👅

~ Death-chan. ❤️

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