Chapter 1

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Lena looked in her mirror and forced herself to smile. Today was move-in day at National City University. She was wearing a dark green tank top with shorts and boots. Lena pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

Lena walked downstairs and grabbed her car keys. "Lex hurry up I've got to leave!" Lena called from the front door.

"Relax, hotshot," Lex calmly put a chessboard away and walked towards the door. "We're going to be early anyways."

Lena rolled her eyes and closed the door behind them once they were outside. "Yeah, but it's for a reason. I want to pick my bed and you know I can't decorate well when there's too many people in the room. The girl is probably going to bring her parents or something."

*25 minutes later*

"Lena, we can get out of the car now." Lex checked his watch and it said 7:12 AM.

Lena turned her head and nodded, "Oh, yeah. Sorry."

Lex smirked and got out of the car with Lena. "Are you going to take all of your crap now or after we see the dorm?"

"Lex!" Lena smacked his arm and laughed. "It's not crap, they are my belongings."

"If you say so, kid." Lex grabbed Lena's duffle bag so she would be able to put something on her bed so she could claim it as her own.

Lena decided to ignore Lex's comment and answer his question. "I'll bring my things now. I already had the majority of my stuff shipped to the dorm so we wouldn't have to carry it the whole way."

After Lena redid her ponytail, she took the duffle bag from Lex and gave him a different duffel bag that was a few (dozen) pounds heavier. "Thank you, kind sir."

"What the hell do you have in here, bricks?" Lex slung the bag over his shoulder.

"No," Lena smirked. "They're books."

"Of course they are." Lex pulled Lena towards him so they could start walking to the front office.

"What do you think your roommate is going to be like?"

"Well I hope she's nice, but I'm not going to set my expectations too high. Not many people like hanging out with the rich girl, who's parents spoil her and ignore her at the same time."

Lena was getting annoyed for no reason. Lex had learned to ignore when Lena became rude. It didn't happen very often, but when it did he usually didn't mind.

"You look nice." Lex smiled, hoping to get a positive reaction.

"Thanks," Lena pulled out a box of sour Icebreakers. "Want one?" She asked after popping two in her mouth.

"I'm alright." Lex opened the door for Lena.

They talked to the half awake 27ish year old sitting at the front door. "Hey, I'm Max." He said in an Australian accent.

"Hello, Max. I'm Lena Luthor. On the email I received I was told to go to the front desk and ask for my key and dorm number."

"Alrighty," Max typed in her name. "your dorm is in the west wing. Your room number is 213, it's on the second floor. Here is your key. You got lucky, most kids have to go all the way across campus to get their key."

Lena smiled brightly and took her key. She pulled a key ring out of her bag and slipped the key into the ring. "Thanks Max."

"Oh wait, they make us give this to you guys." Max hands her a whistle with the university's logo on it. "It's a rape whistle."

Lena and Lex burst into laughter. "I told you!" Lex smiled.

"Thank you so much Max." Lena took the whistle and started walking to the west wing, still laughing.

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