A new project

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I got back home and mom wrapped up my foot and gave me a bag of ice to keep it from swelling. "So you saved a life?" Ryan asks, sounding impressed, which he should be. I nod and he applauds me. I roll my eyes. 

"Do you think you can go to school tomorrow?" mom asks and I nod, "Of course. It's just a sprain, probably."

At least I hope. "Okay, get some rest. Goodnight." What am I, five? She turns out the light and I'm just relieved she didn't want to tuck me in. Now, maybe I'll actually get some sleep, or maybe I'll just think about Peyton all night. I think I know the answer to that. 


I skip breakfast entirely so I can get to school quicker. Dressing in clothes similar to what I had on yesterday, I grab my drums sticks off my dresser and drive to school. 

After homeroom, band class is my first class of the day. It's also my favorite class of the day. You'd be surprised at how much stress you relieve by hitting a drum set. 

My ride to school is peacefully quiet. When I walk in the school building, I pop in my ear buds until I get to my homeroom class, on the other side of the school. Of course, I take out my ear buds when I reach the classroom. The hallways are just so loud in the mornings that I wanted to keep my peaceful morning quiet. 

I take a seat next to Trevor and wait, like everyone else, for the morning annoucnements. 

"Good morning, students! It's getting closer and closer to the end of the first semester, so make sure you're signing up for your second semester classes! As you all know --"

And I zone out.

That is, until I hear my name. "This Thanksgiving weekend, a student of ours saved a life. Peyton Releigh's 3-year-old cousin nearly drowned in their pond and Adam Greene jumped in to save her. Thank you, Adam, for being a hero."

Many students won't recognize the name. Many students won't care. But Peyton and I heard the announcement and I wish I could see the look on her face when they mentioned it.

The bell rings for us to go to electives. Band class is on the end of this hall so I don't have to go far.

When I walk in the room, Mr. Silovich is making an announcement that we're joining with the chorus kids today to sing a few songs. I don't know anyone in chorus.

The whole room is filled against every wall with girls from chorus. Some guys, clearly, are in chorus, but majority are girls. Many of the girls I recognize from my previous flirting days, but when they wave at me now, I can't bring myself to look at them while Peyton walks in at the same time.

"Okay, okay, take your seats. Adam, you set on drums?" What a ridiculous question. Of course I'm set. "We're going to pass out a song that hopefully most of you in chorus will know. We've been working on it for about a month. We'd like the chorus and band to perform this song together on the concert."

Peyton walks over to me and bends down. "What song, drummer boy?" I chuckle, "It's Classic." She jumps up and down, "I love this song!"

And I love to see her get happy.

"Okay, let's begin!" Mr. Silovich counts us off and one of the chorus kids says the first line of the song that cues me in.

"Aye! Where's the drums?" Then I bust into a frenzy of hitting everything on the set.

Once that little solo is over, the trumpets take the melody. Then the chorus kick off the song officially along with the flutes.

"Oh, girl you're shining

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