Chapter 1: The Great Escape

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"Join me," Raichu Human said. "And I will set you free. Otherwise, you will stay here forever!"

Shelly Yangtze narrowed her eyes. She doubted she could trust Raichu. And, she thought, he's an Instinct. She needed to escape from the cell he had locked her in, but she couldn't join Raichu.

So she did the simplest thing to buy time. "I'll think about it."

Raichu's face fell. He was very impatient. "Fine! I'll give you 12 hours to think about it. Actually 3..."

So once he left, Shelly set off right to work. First, she examined the whole place (which was easier because Raichu didn't take her glasses.) Wait a minute. She thought. My glasses!

Her glasses were enhanced to look through things. Which was really not that hard because it detects the waves coming through the walls including how much light the color absorbed and if there's any life behind it.

Anyway, she tried to lift up her manacled hands to press the button on her glasses, careful not to hit them off. She finally pressed it the button on the side, and the world burst into a new vision.

She turned her head slowly, focusing on trying to find living things. Humans were red. Pokemon were yellow. Pure energy, like electricity, was blue. The only Pokemon she couldn't tell was the Zorua and the Zoroark. Her glasses told her that someone was right in front of her, but no one was there. It must be an illusion... Shelly thought. She turned off her glasses and sighed. There was no one-

"LA! LA! LA! LA! LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!" someone sang, their voice like a ringing bell. Shell recognized it as her friend Quinci Laciasal. Quinci was singing the harmony to Badinerie. Other than herself, only Shelly knew the melody (as far as two friends knew at least).

"LA lala la lala la la la LA lalalalalalalalala LA!!!!" Shelly sang. Soon the whole base heard the amazing song. Everyone clapped and cheered at the end.

"GO SHELLS AND AC!!!" Bell Bestmountain whooped, pausing before saying, "Although this is probably not the time."

"THAT WAS SOOO AWESOME!!!" Quinci cheered (for herself).

"Meh," Ravisu Singem-spaghetti scoffed.

YES!!! All of Shell's friends were still here! Suddenly, the illusion started to drift away. Soon she could see all her friends, Quinci, Ravisu, and Bell. It turned out that Quinci was in the same cell as her and Bell and Ravisu were together.

"Quinci!" Shell shouted.

"Did not see you there..." Quinci joked.

Shelly laughed. The most dangerous circumstances and they were laughing and singing and joking.

"STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!" Raichu Human stormed in. He threw open the doors and glared at the two friends.

"HAPPY B-DAY RAICHU!!!" Quinci yelled.

"What?" he scratched his head.

"What do you want for your birthday present?" Quinci asked. "I don't have much though... oh! I could give you my manacles!"

"HERE YOU GO!!!" Quinci slipped out of them and passed them through the bars.

Shell was so surprised. "What... how..."

"JK I KNEW IT WASN'T YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!" Quinci screamed. "RUN!!!"

Suddenly all the jail cell doors swung open as the group made a tremendous escape. "Up here!" Shell called. She pointed to a spiraling staircase that wound around a thick metal pole.

They quickly ran up the stairs as fast as they could. One level over the next, they hurried up. They flew by level after level after level, all glancing quickly at the rooms that were on that floor.

"Over there!" Ravisu yelled. She pointed at the room with open doors. Inside was a shelf of pokeballs. The four leaped off the stairs instantly and ran into the room. On one side were many computers. They could see where the school once was, and many other places they didn't what or where the heck was. On opposite side, there was a huge black crater, soot and ash falling slowly from it like snow.

But the four didn't care about the left and right sides, they cared about the middle side, the side opposite to the wall with the door. There were their pokeballs! And luckily they all knew which were theirs. Ravisu's were all purple (even though now she said she had a new favorite color), Bell's were yellow-bronze, Quinci's were flaming red, and Shelly's were ocean-blue.

"Quick!" Bell said. She grabbed her yellow pokeballs, and the others did the same.

Shelly opened one and her lunatone popped out. "Whew," she said, "I thought Raichu Human had put them in his HQ or something."

"Uh," Quinci said, looking around, "He did. This is his HQ."

"Ohh," Shell said. "Well, let's go! Maybe we can make it out alive!" Bell nodded and added, "Take out a small pokemon though, then we can use them for defense just in case, but they will be less likely to be spotted."

So Quinci got out her growlithe, Bell got out her bellsprout, and Ravisu got out her bulbasaur. But before they left, Shell grabbed some maps and papers from Raichu's desk. ("Why did you do that?" Quinci had asked. Shell had replied, "Because I'M A SHELL. Plus, I wanted to give him some trouble." *Evil face*)

The four ran back to the stairs and began to run up again.

"I haaaaate stairs," Shelly groaned.

AN: Thank you so much for the votes and views! I said last book that I would publish Part 2 once I got 100 views, 5 comments, or 3 votes. And guess what? I got 5 votes! Again, thank you and here is your reward!!! 

Also, I will update 2 chapters every Monday. This chapter was just to get it all set up. 

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