Chapter 2: The Rainforest

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Ravisu opened the door. After they had reached the top of the stairs, they had found the exit. She breathed in the crisp air and shivered.

Suddenly, they heard Raichu say, "Zoroark! Use illusion!" Ravisu turned around, and Raichu was standing there with a zoroark. The pokemon raised its paws, about to cast an illusion.

Quinci yelled, "Growlithe! Use fire blast!"

Growlithe burned the illusion before it did any harm. "OH!!!" Quinci burned. "YOU JUST GOT BURNED!!!"

"OOOH!!!" Bell laughed.

"Zoroark! Use illusion again!" Raichu Human commanded. Bell switched out her bellsprout, for her salamence, as Shelly's lunatone shot a psywave attack, and Ravisu's bulbasaur shot a leech seed attack.

"EVERYONE!" Bell yelled, "CLIMB ON!" Ravisu and Quinci hopped on, returning their pokemon as they did so, just as Shell's lunatone shot one last confusion attack at Raichu and zoroark. He and his pokemon began spinning, and bumped into each other, their eyes crossed, and tongues hanging out. Shell returned lunatone, and jumped on salamence.

"Let's go!" Shell cried, "The confusion won't last long!"

"FLY, SALAMENCE, FLY!!!" Ravisu shouted. Bell rolled her eyes and tapped salamence's side with her feet. The dragon pokemon flew off, flailing a little at the weight.

"WHOOHOOO!!!" Quinci cheered. There were out, and in the world.


"How did you open those cells back there?" Shelly asked. She was trying to not look down, as she sat on salamence's back. Lunatone was floating in the air, using psychic and lifting Ravisu and Quinci in the air beside them, (as salamence couldn't hold up that much weight.) Bell was in front of her, steering the way.

"Oh, yeah!" Quinci looked down at her. "Raichu left the door open.."

"RAICHU???" Ravisu gasped in disbelief. "Are you sure it was him?"

"Yup!" nodded Quinci. "Who else could it be?" There was complete silence.

"Where are we headed to?" Bell shouted from the other pokemon.

"Idk..." Ravisu answered.

"We need more power," Quinci thought out loud. "So we need to get stronger..."

Mystic was all about knowledge and strategy, Instinct was all about, well, instincts, and Valor was all about power and strength. And Quinci was the heir of Valor.

Ravisu scanned the history of the pokemon. "If you want power, you should try visiting the Pokemon Sanctuary. Maybe we could find the healing stones which would be able to wake the legendaries. Then, you and Shell could use the full power of the birds, and receive help from them too."

"What's that?" Quinci asked.

Bell shook her head, "Didn't you listen to Mrs. Orombolo in class?"

"No..." Quinci said, "I was taking notes."

"That was in the notes!" Bell shook her head.

"WELL," Ravisu said, cutting off the two's argument, "It doesn't matter if Quinci doesn't know 'bout it, or if Bell does. 'Cause I know it the best out of you guys all." Bell opened her mouth to argue, but Ravisu had already begun to talk.

"The Pokemon Sanctuary was where you could heal pokemon and power up them long ago. It's even where the legendaries stayed to recover from the Great Storm."

"What's that?" Quinci asked. Bell shook her head.

"Due to the end of the Ice Age, the climate had begun to change," Ravisu explained. "Unfortunately, the three legendary birds, Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno had been migrating. But because of the climate change, they got swept up in like a CRAZY storm, which is known as the Great Storm."

"WHOOOOSSHHHH!" Bell made sound effects, imitating the wind.

"And then, the three landed on the ground after many days of flying." Ravisu continued as if Bell hadn't interrupted. "The three first pokemon trainers helped get them back to health, who BTW were the ancestors of the team leaders. Their names are lost in time, but people think that the original trainers were called Glaciali, from Mystic, Fiamma, from Valor, and Electris, from Instinct. By healing the legendaries, the bond between pokemon and trainer began. But despite the efforts of the three trainers, the three legendaries were still weak. So, they left their bodies, and their soul and the trainer's soul combined (this the trainers agreed to)."

"OMG LIKE RAAVA!" Shelly exclaimed. "WoooooOOOOOOOOOOooooOOOO!"

"Okay?" Quinci asked. "Who dat?"

"Uh, hellooo? Do you want to hear the rest or NOT?" Ravisu asked.

Quinci said, "Okay, fine."

"So that's why Raichu was able to shoot electricity! I was wondering who shot that crazy lightning thing back at school!" Bell said.

"Well," Quinci said. "Looks like if Raichu Human has the power of Zapdos, the only way we can beat him is if Shell and I harness the powers of our legendaries!"

"But how are we going to get there?" Ravisu asked, "The location was lost after all this time!"

"Hmm," Shell said, "Maybe these maps?" She pulled out the old papers that she had swiped from Raichu's place from her pokeball-bag, which had double-sided sequins. She passed them to lunatone, who used psychic to pass them to Ravisu. Ravisu stared at the maps for a while, thoughts racing through her head like in a computer.

"Got it!" Ravisu said. "It should be this one." She held up one of the papers. The colors were faded, but one could still make out the intricate painting of a temple in the rainforest.

The Rebellion of Instinct - Part 2: The Search for the LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now