Chapter 10: The Olympics

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Shell flew up past Quinci. When her friend had suddenly flown off, she and Articuno had figured it out pretty fast. Articuno's love of the sky balanced out her fear. She soared, her wings of ice, snow, and wind. Down below, Ravisu helping Quinci recover, and Bell returned Maya Puppy to her pokeball.

"LOSER!" Raichu yelled, "You think you beat me? I have a gold medal in piloting!!" His wings were jagged, like a lightning bolt.

Shell summoned a gust of wind and ice, which she directed to Raichu. He lept to one side, and only his shoes became frosted. Shell yelled at him, "Where'd you get your dumb medal? In a competition against toddlers throwing paper planes?"

A circle of icicles flew at Raichu. He flew through the middle, but his wings began to ice over. He laughed, "Ha! I am also an olympic gold medal snowboarder, skier, and ice figure skater!! I am so used to this."

Raichu looked up. Shell had hurled a HUGE ball of ICE towards his FACE. Raichu acted fast, as graceful as a ballerina (And yes, that is because he won 100 awards for being a ballerina).

He shot his hand up and sent knives of electricity at the ice block. Raichu looked at it satisfyingly as it shattered into a million pieces.

Shell created more hailstones, and directed them at Raichu Human.

"Ugh," he asked, "AGAIN?" Raichu destroyed the ice. "I totally just killed that thing."

"Oh yeah?" Shell challenged, "Let's see you deal with this!"

Raichu saw a massive gust of wind and ice flying towards him. The last thing he saw was the wind opening a blue mouth and singing, "I believe I COULD FLYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

And that was of course a hallucination of a poor tween that lost his dad and is about to get hit by a giant glacier thrown by their enemy, which, the tween calculated, of course, with his Phd in physics, that the blizzard probably was going at about 1239.4265345678762704 mph...


Despite the fact that a war was raging, people were still gathered at the Olympics. Hearts raced, fingers crossed, and eyes straining to see the spectacular sight. The last competitor, a person by the name of Raichu Human, had still not arrived. People, while also knowing him as a ruthless conqueror like Asoka, also knew him as a great athlete.

Just as the judges were about to cross his name out, a streak of black and yellow, faster than a thunderbolt, landed onto the mat. One could feel the vibrations even from the back stadium, clear as Toph Beifong could. The competitor had risen, so many hours ago, and now he was coming back down!

The judges gaped, the audience gasped.

The crowd cheered, and tears of joy and sadness streaked from faces. Hearts leapt, hands waved, and people screamed until their throats hurt.

"What's going on down there?" Shelly asked, still flying. Bell and Ravisu looked down. Quinci was still unconscious, but she was stirring due to the havoc below.

"The Olympics!" Ravisu exclaimed, "That must be how Raichu has so many medals!"

"High jump," Quinci muttered angrily, fully awakening. "THIS is why I never made it to the school olympics for high jump. I was better than him before he got his POWERS."

Quinci was the third best high jumper in her class until Raichu came along with his powers. Then he became first, Sophie second, and Sammy third, leaving Quinci without a certificate. She was jealous ever since.

"It's ok..." Shelly said. She usually was the empathetic one, unless that person wasn't empathetic to her when she was down. Then, she was cold as ice.

"No it's not!" Quinci complained. "He cheated!"

"Well at least you have Maya Puppy..." Bell noted.

"Yeah," Quinci calmed down, stroking her puppy. "You're right."

Maya was a cute puppy. She was a cross of a beagle and a maltipoo (although she looked more beagle). Sometimes she was called Maya Puppy. END OF DESCRIPTION! END OF DETAILS! Shelly landed, wings disappearing as she set foot on Croissant.

"Come on," Ravisu urged. "Let's go!" 

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