Chapter 3: The Message

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Raichu Human was furious. First, those pesky teachers weren't cooperating, then those girls weren't cooperating, then they ran away, and took his maps! All went as planned and suddenly it all went wrong! He felt electricity build up inside himself. Stop fretting! Raichu assured himself. You can beat those measly little girls! You have a zoroark!

"Zoroark!" he commanded after a plan developed in his head. "Use illusion!"

Raichu disguised himself and zoroark and set off after the heirs.


Salamence flew down onto a wide grassy plain. It collapsed on the ground, and the friends and lunatone tumbled off. 

Bell said to salamence sympathetically, "It's okay. Tomorrow we're riding Shelly's gyarados. You did really well. But before I return you to your pokeball, here's some food." Bell pulled out a half red, half white cylinder. In the middle of the halves was a button, which she pressed. The cylinder split in half to reveal an array of poke-treats, which were around one-inch wide gummy candy looking thingies.

Salamence looked up. Poke-treats, despite being small, was very filling, nutritional (for pokemon at least), and yummy. If only things like vegetables were like this!

Bell put three at salamence's feet and closed the poke-treat holder as her dragon type pokemon gobbled them up. To her left, Shell was doing the same with her lunatone. After both pokemon had eaten, the two friends returned them to their pokeballs.

Ravisu and Quinci had already made camp. Kind of. Ravisu's swanna and bulbasaur had made tents out of ice (ice beam) and vines (leech seed). Quinci was sitting next to a stack of firewood, and trying to summon a flame like how Raichu Human could summon electricity. Needless to say, the place was still dark and cold.

"How does he do this??" Quinci asked desperately. She rubbed her hands together, and while they did grow much hotter than usual, it still wasn't a flame.

"Well," Shelly said, "Fire is energy, and valor is strength, so maybe you have to try to use your emotions as fuel?"

"Where the heck did you get that?" Quinci asked.

Shelly shrugged and said, "I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender during the summer break."

"Annyyway," Bell said, coming over to the pit of not fire, "What should we tell our parents?"

"Hmm," Ravisu said, "WHO CARES? WHOOP WHOOP! No homework!"

"I care," Bell scoffed, "If our parents don't find out what's happening to us, they might attack the Instinct base and get captured."

"Well," Quinci said, "You're right there. Let's leave them a message."

"Why not just call them?" Bell said.

Shelly rolled her eyes, "Because, if we call them, they'll flip out and go like 'WHY'D YOU LEAVE HOME YOU GONNA DIE!' and stuff."

"Okay then," Bell said.


"I can't believe our daughters did this," Mareep Bestmountain said. The mothers of the four friends were at the Valor HQ. Since Instinct had begun its attacks, (with their main weapon as Raichu's electric abilities), Valor and Mystic have never been this closely knit.

Blanche Yangtze said, "I say we let them go."

"Are you sure?" Candela Laciasal asked, unsure.

Blanche nodded, "They seem happier."

"Seriously?" Thanisun Singem-spaghetti said. Blanche returned a cold glare (which she did to everyone), and played the message:

"Hi!" spoke Bell's voice, a little distorted. "Ravisu, Shell, and Quinci are here with me."

Shell spoke through the message now, "We're looking for the healing stones!"

"Yah!" Quinci now said, "And don't come looking for us! Don't get yourselves in trouble!"

"We'll be gone for like," Ravisu paused, and they heard a rustle of old paper, "Around three days. We have one more day's journey to the temple, and two days to get back."

"Aw!" Shelly complained. "The batteries are dying!"

Bell sighed, "If only we had Raichu's powers... "

"Well," Ravisu said. "Before we go, just know this: we're telling you NOT to come for YOUR safety. So don't get yourselves into our mess."

"Bye!" Shelly said, "And---" Here the message was cut short.

"I think we should let them go," Blanche said. Candela paused and nodded in agreement. Mareep still was worried, but sighed and said, "Okay."

"Well," Mareep said. "I guess it's all up to you now." Thanisun gave a thumbs up, and Blanche (sort of) smiled.

"Now," she said, "Our next problem: Instinct is growing."

The Rebellion of Instinct - Part 2: The Search for the Legendsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن