Chapter 2 Doncaster Rovers

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Songs for this chapter :

Night changes - One Direction
Lost boy - Ruth B
Free falling - John Mayer

Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes - 1D

Louis's POV

I leave the house in quite a hurry as I don't want to get late. I text my best mate Aoki to meet me at the football club. He texts me back that he's on his way and I put my phone away.

Just as I'm getting in my car, I get a call from Niall.
Niall is calling me?It's been a while since I talked to any of the boys, and by a while I mean three fucking years.

I'm nervous and excited to know what he might be wanting to talk about.I debate with myself whether or not to pick up the call,as I feel slightly guilty for not reaching out to him either. I can't seem to decide.

I pick up anyway. "Hello mate" I can't figure the flat tone of his voice so I just say hello back. He doesn't sound the least bit excited though.

I wonder why.

"what's wrong Niall is everything okay?" I ask him.

He pauses for a while before answering and the silence is killing me at this point I swear. "Niall what is it?" I say to him, clearly running out of patience.

"It's Harry" he says.


My stomach is in tight knots within seconds. I want to know what is wrong with Harry. Like the other boys, I haven't heard from him in a while too. I've just been seeing his shots on Cosmo and Forbes as he signed up with Gucci and has been their top model since last year.
And yes, I do read Cosmo.. That is what living with my sister does to me.

I reel my mind back to Niall on the phone, who is still not telling me what the fuck is wrong with Hazza.
Yeah I still use the pet name we started calling him back in 2012. I try not to think about the event that brought about the name.

"It's Harry" He says again.

"I heard you the first time Niall" I'm annoyed now.

"He just got into an accident this morning."

"What kind of accident Niall" I'm beginning to panic. My palms are sweaty,My heart is racing.
I wait for him to tell me what's going on. He's really taking his damn time.

"Harry just got electrocuted in his bedroom in his New York condo this morning." Niall finally speaks up.

"What do you mean he just got electrocuted? What was he even doing? Are you lying to me Niall?Is this a fucking joke? Because I swear to God if you are.. "

Niall cuts me off before I finish cursing at him
"I'm serious Louis, something went wrong and there was a power surge. He really is injured."

I start to panic again "Oh my God is he okay? How bad is it? Is he going to be okay? Where is he?" I'm frantic now..

"It's not that bad really, he's going to be back to his sassy self in a week. I'm calling you because he specifically told his assistant Kourtney to call every single one of us. She told me call you because she didn't have your number.
Can you come to New York today? I have already talked to Liam, He's in LA and can't come right away as they are releasing his song for 50 Shades of Grey today. He will come in tonight. Zayn is already here in New York with me, we're heading to the hospital."Niall explains.

" I have to book a flight first,and if I get one for today I'll fly in by tonight.Thank you for calling me Niall. I can't wait to see you all. Pass my love to Harry and the boys will you?"I request him.

He says okay and we both hang up.

I text Aoki and tell him that I'm running late.

I call Lottie (we call my sister Charlotte Lottie... Charlotte is too long) and tell her to book me a flight to New York for today if possible. She asks why I want to go to NY and I tell her that I will explain when I get back.

I drive to the football club thinking about a certain green eyed person. I need a destruction from my thoughts.

Right now.

I play loud music on my radio and sing along to Drake's 10 bands. Yes, I am a sucka for Drake despite growing up in London, and making music of the exact opposite genre.

After the seven minutes drive, I'm pulling over at the Doncaster Rovers FC. I find Aoki sitting by the bleachers and we join the coach for practice.

I am distracted the entire time and Aoki notices this. He asks what the matter is and I explain the phone call from Niall to him, while trying to listen to what the coach is saying.

After an hour of running in the field and heavy exercises, I'm too destructed to even be here.
I take it as my queue to leave.

Aoki tells me to go and do what I have to do. I don't even try to argue with him about it, I just promise to call him once I get to NY and leave.

On my way back to the apartment, I hate the license lingering in the car. I try to drive fast, running every red light and I'm sure of getting several tickets in my mailbox tomorrow for that.

I arrive home shortly after. I pack my bag as I explain to Lottie and a worried Zed why I'm packing for NY.

They drive me to the airport at around 5.00pm and tell me to be careful. I thank them and we share quick hugs before we part.

I wait for my flight for about an hour and I'm more than happy when it takes off. As if I'm not anxious enough, the guy sitting next to me starts ranting about the weather in London and the weather in North America .How obnoxious.. I think to myself and roll my eyes,which I don't think he notices. Great.
I don't even try to hide my annoyance.

He finally takes a hint and shuts up.

Thank you very much.

I fall asleep thinking back to the days of our Made In The Am tour. So long ago. I remember the long lines of people waiting for us to perform in sold out arenas. Those days seem so far away.. I think to myself as sleep takes me away.

I am finally woken up by the voice of an obnoxious flight attendant announcing that we are finally landing in NY. I keep my annoyance to myself as I get off the plane.

The wind picks up in the airport as I wait for my Uber to arrive and I mentally pat myself at the back for putting on a coat.

I literally can't wait see the boys.

Author's Note

I finally updated again! Thank you for reading through this chapter, I tried to make it longer than the first one. I'm sort of excited for Lou to meet the boys in NY and see what happens.

Oh and Zed is Lottie's boyfriend.
I haven't put a cast list yet, although the boys are still themselves. I picture Zed as Nick Grimshaw. Aoki is Steve Aoki :)
Harry's assistant Kourtney is my friend Kourtney lol. I'll put up a cast list in the next chapter,as I introduce more characters.

Also, I'm opening school tomorrow but I will still find time to write and update.

Have a good night's sleep everyone.. It's night time here. I don't know what time it is where you're reading from,you can tell me in the comment section bellow. Remember to vote too.
See you in the next chapter :)

Love, Jenny.

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