Chapter 7. Bonjour Tristesse

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Songs for this chapter :

Walking all day - Graham Coxon
The good side - Troye Sivan
Lonesome town - Ricky Nelson

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" - Anon

Harry's POV.

Sadness is something that I have become quite accustomed to in these past years.
In a twisted way, it keeps me going, hoping for a better tomorrow. I hope every day that I won't be sad forever. I ugly cry sometimes too because of the sadness.

How embarrassing.

This time it's different though. I'm not familiar with it's intensity. Also, it's accompanied by it's first cousin pain,making me feel like a pile of broken china.

Since Louis left at the beginning of this week, nothing seems to make sense.

I hate it that I feel this way.

I feel deprived in a huge way.

How so?

Well, when he first showed up in the hospital, I felt a new kind of hope that I haven't felt in years.
I thought that maybe that was it. But when we had the talk back here, I was totally crushed. Dare I say heartbroken.

Now that he's left, I have nothing else to do apart from go on with my life. Needless to say.

It's Saturday morning, I go to the kitchen to make a grocery shopping list. Niall is still sleeping and Zayn offers to come with me.

He checks the fridge for what we need to buy while I note them down.

After a good ten minutes, we're heading to the store. Zayn is driving because he's just miraculously in a good mood,not that I'm complaining.

Fifteen minutes later, we're pulling over in a slightly full parking lot.
I get the cart and hand him the list of twenty seven items.

Halfway through picking stuff from the shelves and a mindless chatter with Zayn, I hear someone call my name. A female may I add.

I turn around and guess who it is.


My old friend from Reditch, back in London. Small world isn't it.

"Oh my God Harry ! Where have you been hiding all this time?"

"I didn't know someone was seeking me"

"Don't be ridiculous love, of course it's great to see after such a long time "

"I'm happy to see you too Camille. I didn't even know you live in New York"

"I only moved here six months ago. I got a modeling job with an agency here."

"That's really great, I'm happy for you."

She takes a moment to look at Zayn, as if she hadn't seen him in the beginning. Or maybe she genuinely didn't, I don't know. I highly doubt it though.

"Hello, sorry I didn't say hi earlier, I'm just so happy to see someone I know from home here."

"It's okay, don't worry." Zayn simply tells her.

They quickly exchange greetings and engage in a small discussion about the mozorella cheese that Zayn was picking from the shelf.

We continue our talk through the whole shopping time. Camille has joined us, pushing her own cart which is filled with popcorn kernels and boxes of green tea.

She must be on a diet or something. I think to myself.

She confirms my thoughts when she tells me that she's preparing for the fashion week next week here in New York.Which basically means a strict diet, many hours of sleep during the night and two hours long naps during the day.

Half an hour later, we're done with the grocery store.

We head home right away, with Camille following closely behind us. Zayn and I have invited her to spend they day with us at the house since she mentioned she didn't have anything to do today apart from staying away from carbs.

I park my car effectively and try to wake up a drooling Zayn at the passenger seat as I wait for Camille to pull up behind me.


This chapter's tittle, Bonjour Tristesse, is French for Hello sadness. It represents Harry's emotions after everything that has happened so far.

Guys I'm so sorry to keep you waiting for so long for this chapter. I don't even have an excuse this time lol. Apart from a major writer's block... If that even counts.

So about this chapter, I know the actual Camille Rowe is French - American, but I want our Camille here to be from Redditch like Harry so as to create the history thing.

This chapter is shorter than the the ones I've been writing. Don't be mad at me though, blame it on the writer's block lol.

Again, shameless self promo : My second book is called Tales of a Fangirl. I have published 10 chapters already, I'm still working on the rest. You can find it on my bio here on wattpad.
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Love, Jenny.

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