Chapter 4.Total Exuberance

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Songs for this chapter are :
Never say never - The Fray
Holes - Passenger
Break up every night - The Chainsmokers
Little things - One Direction

Here's to dysfunctional, borderline psychotic relationships Riley (After)

Harry's POV

Since Louis's arrival, my spirits have been soaring higher than a kite. With Louis, there is no small talk. Having known each other for almost eight years, we're past small talk. I love that about us so much. Zayn, Niall and Liam too. I love the fact that we can all talk about anything at any given time.
I hope we still can.

We talk about things, general things. Not as lame as the weather general things.

We talk about the band, about Simon Cowell and laughed so hard about how people who didn't like him use to call him "Satan Cowshit"
I mean that was outright mean.

Louis's POV

Watching Harry laugh was like watching your favorite movie over and over again, not wanting it to end. His dimples make me want to reach over and caress his cheek so softly, like the delicate person he is.
Fuck I'm so in love.
I can't even scold myself for this. What is happening to me?
The heart wants what it wants after all.

The crinkles by his eyes still make me smile at myself. The way the green of his eyes changes shades according to the emotions he's feeling is what fucks me up the most. Right now they're a beautiful shade of bright green. He jawlines are still well defined. How could one person be so beautifully made?

Thank you God.

Yeah, when it comes to Harry, I know no limits. I'm just happy that we're even speaking.

I don't want to think about how drastically our relationship ended. It still pains me even today.

I still couldn't believe I'm sitting here, talking and laughing with Harry after all this time.

It's not all rainbows and sunshine though, because we still haven't talked about the past. About how we ended things.

The unsaid things are blinking a red light at the back of my head begging to be said. I don't even know how to start this conversation with Harry but this is not the day to be a coward.

Harry looks at me like he wants to say something and I look at him expectantly.

"Louis I think we need to talk" he says.

"Yeah, we need to Harry" I tell him.

The air in the room has shifted and the mood is suddenly serious.

Just as we're about to start talking, there is a soft knock on the door and it opens to reveal Zayn, Liam and Niall.

The lads!

Within seconds, I'm on my feet to embrace and greet them. We hug together all at once and I can swear I've not felt this happy in a while.

We hug again and exchange quick and rushed hellos. Everyone is just so excited.

I take a look at everyone and observe their changes. Zayn has shaved his hair, Liam's hair is a bit short too and Niall has grown so much. Three years seem like ten years now.

They're so happy to see me too and Niall even attempts to make a joke.

"I thought you'd die before getting here because of how worried you sounded on the phone" Niall says.

Shit I'm so embarrassed to even look at Harry. I don't know how he feels about me at this point.

"shut up Niall" I come up with the lamest come back in the history of come backs.
Man it's been so long and I have missed everyone's goofiness so much.

They all ask Harry how he's feeling and we decide to spend the night in the hospital, to keep Harry company just like old times when he use to get sick and we'd all sleep in one room, just to be with him.

Despite Harry being unwell, he talks to us about what he's been doing for the time we've been apart. He tells us how he was called to perform at the Victoria secrets show. I nodded with excitement although I already knew this.
I'm such a creep for stalking Harry from time to time.

Liam asks us to sing together, for Harry.

Guess which song he chose.

Little things.

Little fucking things.

This song fucks me up every time because it relates so much to my situation and relationship with Harry, at this point lack of.

We sing together and Harry is now smiling ear to ear. I try not to look at him and fail miserably.

Way to go Louis.

After singing, we talk for about an hour and I can tell that Harry is exhausted but is trying to keep up with the story Niall is telling us. I observe him and watch his eyelids grow heavy with sleep and they start closing lightly. How soft. I want to plant soft kisses on them as he drifts away to dreamland.

I almost punch myself for thinking like that. See? This is what being around Harry does to me. I zone out and think about the little things about him. Like how he loves his boots and sweat shirts. How he likes his coffee black, with little or no sugar.

I watch him fall asleep as we continue to talk the night away with Liam and Niall. Zayn has already fallen asleep too and Liam has covered him with his jacket.

Author's Note

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Author's Note.

Hello everyone,Sorry I haven't updated in such long time but here it is. I've been having exams and it's so busy around here.

I found that fetus Larry pic in my gallery and decided to put it at the end of this chapter because they're just so cute.

Also, I'm in love with the cast of stranger things lol. I love Millie Bobby Brown and Noah Schnapp so much. They're so cute together.
I love the fact that all the kids have grown to be such great friends. I was surprised to learn that Joe Keery and Gaten Matarrazo are such good friends, on and off set. Joe even said that Gaten is his favorite scene partner.

Anyway, thank you for reading chronicles of Larry. Keep reading and voting. I love you so much. See you in the next chapter :)

Love, Jenny.

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